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The Space Marine Script Book

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The Space Marine Script Book Empty The Space Marine Script Book

Message par Administration Lun 31 Déc 2012 - 5:08

Je l'avais volontairement passé sous silence mais ce livre est disponible en ligne (uniquement sur le site web de la Black LIb) depuis le début de la semaine dernière.
En voici une présentation :


The Space Marines take to the field of battle in five fantastic audio dramas, available to read as detailed scripts for the first time. Blood Angels Librarian Nord faces the might of the hive fleets in Heart of Rage. The Space Wolves ride to war in Thunder From Fenris. Raven Guard Scouts battle a monstrous foe in Helion Rain. Crimson Fists battle-brothers face the enemy without and The Madness Within. Ultramarines Scout-Sergeant Telion faces Chaos-tainted machines, showing why he is known as the Eye of Vengeance.

This volume includes the complete scripts for all five audio dramas, including atmosphere and sound effects notes, plus exclusive introductions from the author of each story.
December 2012 • Large format papperback - 270 pages • ISBN 9781849702652 - 25 €

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Dans la foulée, vendredi dernier, la Black Lib a posté sur son blog un très bref extrait de présentation de ce bouquin :

We’ve got another extract for you on today’s blog, but this time it’s from something a little different. The Space Marine Script Book, a recent addition to our Direct Exclusive range, contains the complete scripts, including sound direction and performance notes, for five Space Marine audio dramas: Eye of Vengeance, The Madness Within, Heart of Rage, Thunder from Fenris and Helion Rain.

The fourth member of the command group nodded, his face obscured by a grim skull-faced helmet. Chaplain Ortan Cassius wore armour black as night, embossed with gold and blue, with a repeating skull motif worked into every trim and plate. Though none could see his disfigured face, they all felt the grim purpose of his gaze.

CASSIUS: Votheer Tark’s Bloodborn make war like the Great Devourer. His Dark Mechanicus consume the iron bones of fallen machines and remake them to swell their numbers. Every piece of equipment and forge we lose is cannibalised to create more war machines for the Bloodborn.

GALENUS: A bleak assessment, Chaplain.

CASSIUS: But an honest one.

EPATHUS: How do you fight an enemy that grows stronger with every battle?

TELION: I think I can help with that.

...said a voice from the shadows above.

Source d) What's the Script?



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The Space Marine Script Book Empty Re: The Space Marine Script Book

Message par Sanguinius Lun 31 Déc 2012 - 11:08

Mouais...Autant les scripts HH m'auraient à peu près intéressé, autant ceux ci m'indiffèrent royalement. Et puis, je n'ai pas 25 euros pour ça.

bloodangels Il n'y a que la mort qui n'a pas de solution. bloodangels

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The Space Marine Script Book Empty Re: The Space Marine Script Book

Message par Corax Lun 31 Déc 2012 - 12:35

Qu'est ce qu'ils ne feraient pas pour vendre leur bouquins en Anglais.

Ils me dégoûtent parfois, les gens de la BL.

Enfin je suis comme Sanguinius, cela ne m'intéresse même pas.

J'attendrai que le Script spécial Hérésie d'Horus sorte en français.

corax The Space Marine Script Book 25154110  ravenguards

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The Space Marine Script Book Empty Re: The Space Marine Script Book

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