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Warhammer : Storm of Magic

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Warhammer : Storm of Magic Empty Warhammer : Storm of Magic

Message par Emperor Sam 16 Mai 2015 - 14:18

Nouveau jeu de cartes sur mobile :

Warhammer : Storm of Magic Bg_top

Coming 2015 for iOS, Android & Kindle Fire

Want to pummel an Orc, send a Goblin into the abyss, turn vermin Skaven into quivering wrecks or send those pesky Humans back to the filthy pigsty from where they came? When the Eight Wind's Howl - Storm of Magic allows you to do just that, any time, anywhere, with just a pack of cards as your weapon of choice!

Supersense, based in Hong Kong and Shanghai, is ridiculously proud to announce 'Warhammer: Storm of Magic', initially for iOS, Android devices and Kindle Fire devices, under license from Games Workshop, Waaagh!

Turn based and online for mobile phone and tablets (iOS & Android initially), this 3D 'Collectable Card-Battler' is set in the deep, magical and truly engaging fantasy world of Warhammer from Games Workshop; where Players, their Heroes and Units engage in tactical battles with other human or AI controlled Players; for your personal or Alliance glory!

Warhammer : Storm of Magic Hjgh10


Rolling Eyes

Warhammer : Storm of Magic 439568inquisitor3

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Warhammer : Storm of Magic Empty Re: Warhammer : Storm of Magic

Message par Nico. Sam 16 Mai 2015 - 14:21

iOS, Android & Kindle Fire

Aucun intérêt donc.

Merci pour l'info Emperor. Smile

Warhammer : Storm of Magic 846747844195bannirenicoor4GRAND


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Warhammer : Storm of Magic Empty Re: Warhammer : Storm of Magic

Message par Emperor Ven 19 Juin 2015 - 11:38

Vidéo de gameplay :

Warhammer : Storm of Magic 439568inquisitor3

Maître de Guerre
Maître de Guerre

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Warhammer : Storm of Magic Empty Re: Warhammer : Storm of Magic

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