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Sword of Caledor de William King

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Sword of Caledor de William King Empty Sword of Caledor de William King

Message par Mortarion Dim 15 Avr 2012 - 15:14

En décembre prochain, sortira en VO Sword of Caledor de William King, Tome 2 de la trilogie Tyrion et Teclis, et suite du roman Le Sang D'Aenarion (paru en décembre 2011).

==> SWORD OF CALEDOR de William King.
Tyrion – Unparalleled swordsman and tactician.
Teclis – Greatest natural sorcerer of the age, his power rivalling that of fabled Caledor.
Together these twins are the greatest high elf heroes to still walk the earth.
Tyrion and Teclis venture into the deadly jungles of Lustria on a desperate hunt for the lost sword of Caledor Dragontamer, the fabled Sunfang. While they search for this ancient artefact, the Witch King Malekith continues his assault on Ulthuan, sending the deadly assassin Urian Poisonblade to kill the Everqueen. And in the Realm of Chaos, the sorceress Morathi makes a pact with another enemy of Tyrion and Teclis – the sinister daemon N’Kari.

Tyrion - Épeiste et tacticien hors pair.
Teclis - Plus grand sorcier naturel du temps,sa puissance rivalise avec ceux de la légendaire Caledor.

Ensemble,ces deux jumeaux sont les plus grands héros hauts-elfes a marcher encore sur terre.
Tyrion et Teclis s'aventurent dans les jungles mortelles de Lustrie dans une chasse désespérée pour l'épée perdue de Caledor Dragontamer,la légendaire Sunfang.
Bien qu'ils recherchent cet antique artefact,le Roi Sorcier Malekith qui continuer son assaut sur Ulthuan,envoie le mortel assassin Urian Poisonblade afin de tuer la Reine Eternelle.
Et dans les Royaumes du Chaos,la sorcière Morathi fait un pacte avec un a utre ennemi de Tyrion et Teclis - N'Kari le sinistre démon.

December 2012 25 ۥ Paperback December 2013 12.5ۥ ISBN 9781849702614

Sword of Caledor de William King 328419SwordofCaledorthumb

Et voici un petit extrait posté sur le blog en anglais de la Black Library !

Yesterday, we asked you to choose which extract from William King’s Sword of Caledor you wanted to read. It seems that most of you have a bone to pick with the denizens of the Lustrian jungles, as almost all of the votes were for Tyrion and Teclis beating the snot out of some lizardmen.

Wet leaves slapped Tyrion in the face, obscuring his vision. Something heavy and scaly and rain-slick slammed into him. Its momentum bowled him over.

Instinctively, he let himself go with the flow of the motion. Landing on his back in the soggy mulch, he kept rolling and kicked out with his feet, pushing the thing off.

Fang-filled jaws snapped shut in front of his face. Something slammed into his leg with bruising force. He caught sight of something green and vaguely humanoid. He continued his roll and somersaulted upright.

On his feet now, blade in hand, Tyrion sought enemies.

His attacker disappeared into the undergrowth. It looked like a big humanoid lizard, running upright, balancing itself with its long tail. The head was something like that of a dragon, with enormous powerful jaws and massive teeth that looked easily capable of tearing flesh right to the bone.

It was one of the legendary servants of the slann. A warrior of some sort, although very primitively armed. In one scaly hand it clutched a stone axe tipped with coloured feathers. Only luck had stopped the thing from braining him. As he watched, the thing’s skin changed colour, scaly patterns altering so that it blended in with its surroundings. That chameleon-like camouflage was what had allowed it to get so close.

Tyrion’s heart beat faster. His breathing deepened. He had a sense that he was lucky to be alive. Judging from the crunching noises nearby some of his own people had not been so lucky.

He looked around to see how Teclis was doing.

The glow of a protective spell surrounded his brother. A group of the lizardmen circled him, snapping at him with their massive jaws and striking at him with their axes. His alchemical gear lay discarded at his feet. His fire was scattered. So far, Teclis’s spells had warded off their blows but it was only a matter of time before they managed to do him some harm.

Tyrion sprang forward, lashing out with his sword. His first blow separated the head from one lizardman’s body. His blade caught another in the chest. Greenish blood flowed and the air took on an odd coppery tang.

The lizardman shrieked, the sound of its voice like the hissing of a boiling kettle until the note went too high to be audible to his ears. Tyrion twisted his blade, turning it until it grated against rib. He leaned forward, hoping to hit the heart but not sure of the layout of the internal organs that a lizardman might possess.

Of one thing he was certain – he was causing his victim a great deal of pain, judging by the way it screeched. Its tail curled around, threatening to hit him with the force of a bludgeon. He leapt over the blow, even as two of the lizardman’s companions closed in from either side.

Tyrion’s certainly handy with a blade, but can even this legendary warrior escape such a desperate situation? Find out in Sword of Caledor when it is released in December this year. If you want to catch up with the twins, the David Gemmell-nominated Blood of Aenarion is available to buy and download now.
Source :d):Sword of Caledor: an Extract

Artwork qui servira pour la couverture de ce roman :

Sword of Caledor de William King 484776Teclisbig


Dernière édition par Mortarion le Dim 15 Avr 2012 - 17:13, édité 1 fois

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Sword of Caledor de William King Empty Re: Sword of Caledor de William King

Message par Nico. Dim 15 Avr 2012 - 15:24

Très bon premier tome, hâte de lire le reste.

Nous avons des images depuis longtemps, Horus en a postées plein ici même.

Sword of Caledor de William King 008heq

Et même l'Artwork original.



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Sword of Caledor de William King Empty Re: Sword of Caledor de William King

Message par Leman Russ Dim 15 Avr 2012 - 16:23

Une image voir une traduction. Une recherche...

Sword of Caledor de William King Space_10
Leman Russ

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Sword of Caledor de William King Empty Re: Sword of Caledor de William King

Message par Sanguinius Dim 15 Avr 2012 - 16:31

Chouette, encore une tripotée d'oreilles pointues qui massacrent tout ce qui bouge.

bloodangels Il n'y a que la mort qui n'a pas de solution. bloodangels

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Sword of Caledor de William King Empty Re: Sword of Caledor de William King

Message par Mortarion Dim 15 Avr 2012 - 17:09

Traduction "maison":

Tyrion - Épeiste et tacticien hors pair.

Teclis - Plus grand sorcier naturel du temps,sa puissance rivalise avec ceux de la légendaire Caledor.

Ensemble,ces deux jumeaux sont les plus grands héros hauts-elfes a marcher encore sur terre.

Tyrion et Teclis s'aventurent dans les jungles mortelles de Lustrie dans une chasse désespérée pour l'épée perdue de Caledor Dragontamer,la légendaire Sunfang.
Bien qu'ils recherchent cet antique artefact,le Roi Sorcier Malekith qui continuer son assaut sur Ulthuan,envoie le mortel assassin Urian Poisonblade afin de tuer la Reine Eternelle.
Et dans les Royaumes du Chaos,la sorcière Morathi fait un pacte avec un a utre ennemi de Tyrion et Teclis - N'Kari le sinistre démon.

Si quelqu'un peux nettoyer le h.s plus haut...

Forum racial dédié à l'Adeptus Mechanicus


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Sword of Caledor de William King Empty Re: Sword of Caledor de William King

Message par uther33 Sam 19 Oct 2013 - 7:38

La sortie paperback est prévu pour novembre 2013 pour un prix de 12.5€

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