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Shadows Over Sylvania by Jonathan Green

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Shadows Over Sylvania by Jonathan Green Empty Shadows Over Sylvania by Jonathan Green

Message par Administration Ven 8 Fév 2013 - 15:24

Shadows Over Sylvania by Jonathan Green 768101shadowsoversylvania

La Black Library vient de mettre en ligne aujourd'hui un nouveau livre jeu façon "dont vous êtes le héros" qui se déroule dans l'univers de Warhammer, et dans lequel vous tenez le rôle d'un vampire.

Présentation :

==> SHADOWS OVER SYLVANIA by Jonathan Green

In Shadows over Sylvania you take on the role of a Vampire thrall of one of the bloodthirsty rulers of the accursed county of Sylvania. Your adventure takes place in the years following Count Vlad von Carstein’s failed attempt to become the first vampire Emperor. There are no Colleges of Magic, Konrad von Carstein is yet to seize control of the realm, and the legendary battles of Grim Moor and Hel Fenn are still in the future.
Throughout the adventure to come, you will be forced to battle numerous enemies who would stand against you, both mortal and Undead. When this occurs, you must fight them using the rules that appear on the following pages. You will also come across weapons and other useful items that may help you progress in your adventure. And then there are the difficult decisions that you will be forced to make which could well have a direct impact on how events play out later in the story.
When you have completed the adventure, you can play it again and again, making different decisions, branching the story in new directions.

Pick up your copy, and begin your battle against the fell fiends of the domain of the dead…

A Path to Victory gamebook by Jonathan Green. This book includes four new illustrations from artist Karl Richardson.
February 2013 • 288 pages, softback • ISBN 9781849703437

NB : Je cherche un volontaire pour faire une petite traduction du texte de présentation ci-dessus. merci

Shadows Over Sylvania by Jonathan Green 769712podshadowsoversylvania

Shadows Over Sylvania by Jonathan Green 784667shadowsalt

- Trois extraits-tours sont en ligne sur le site web de la Black Library !

d) http://www.blacklibrary.com/Blog/shadows-over-sylvania-turn-1.html
d) http://www.blacklibrary.com/Blog/shadows-over-sylvania-turn-2.html
d) http://www.blacklibrary.com/Blog/shadows-over-sylvania-turn-3.html

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