[Horus Heresy] Aurelian d'Aaron Dembski-Bowden
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Re: [Horus Heresy] Aurelian d'Aaron Dembski-Bowden
Ibram Gaunt a écrit:il n'y a que 80 pages pour 40 euros, j’espère au moins que les illustrations sont belles ...
L'ouvrage compte en vérité 128 pages, mais le textes ne fait que 80 pages, le reste étant une collection d'illustrations inédites.
Quoiqu'il en soit cela reste quand même onéreux, même en édition silver à 25 €.
Administration Admin - Messages : 6893
Re: [Horus Heresy] Aurelian d'Aaron Dembski-Bowden
Et ils ne seront pas réédités avant au moins deux ans .
"Pride,not flesh, is weak"
"Quel mal pouvait bien causer l'étude et l'apprentissage ?"
Magnus Maitre de chapitre - Messages : 2299
Age : 47
Localisation : Normandie , LE pays du Cidre ...
Re: [Horus Heresy] Aurelian d'Aaron Dembski-Bowden
Peut-être avec un peu de chance mais vu que c'est des collectors j'ai tout de même des doutes et même s'ils le font les quantités seront encore plus faibles pour notre territoire (différence notable de lecteurs).
Uriel Ventris Premier Capitaine - Messages : 1376
Age : 38
Localisation : Newcastle
Re: [Horus Heresy] Aurelian d'Aaron Dembski-Bowden
![[Horus Heresy] Aurelian d'Aaron Dembski-Bowden - Page 3 816488coveraurelian](https://2img.net/r/hpimg11/pics/816488coveraurelian.jpg)
La Black Library vient de communiquer sur la remise en vente en ligne d'Aurelian pour le lundi 17 octobre prochain, dans les deux éditions et en communiquant quelques informations importantes :
Aaron Dembski-Bowden’s Aurelian will finally be released into the world next Monday. In response to customer comments, there will be two versions available, and we wanted to give you all the details of both editions to allow you to make an informed decision between them.
Both versions – Gold Edition and Silver Edition – are 128 page, A5 hardback books with a dustjacket featuring Neil Roberts’s majestic cover art. Both contain the full Aurelian novella and are strictly limited to 3,000 copies each in the English language. Where they differ is in the details.
The Gold Edition contains several premium features. The hardcover is fashioned in the form of pages from the Book of Lorgar, covered in heretical scribblings. A gatefold colour section in the middle of the book features the full panoramic cover art and more pages from Lorgar’s accursed tome. It also contains a marker ribbon and each copy is numbered and hand signed by Aaron Dembski-Bowden. All of these features are exclusive to the Gold Edition, which will cost you £30(GBP) or your local equivalent.
The Silver Edition, by contrast, has a standard treatment on the hardcover and none of the extras from the Gold Edition. It will be £20(GBP) or your local equivalent.
The story of Aurelian will not be reprinted in the English language for at least two years, so these editions are your only opportunity to read a Aurelian for some time.
Source et suite par ICI
NB : vous avez bien lu, ce texte ne sera pas réédité en anglais avant 2 ans !
Mais peut-être que nous autres français auront droit à un VF d'ici là.
![Rolling Eyes](https://2img.net/i/fa/i/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif)
![[Horus Heresy] Aurelian d'Aaron Dembski-Bowden - Page 3 974193coveraurelian2](https://2img.net/r/hpimg11/pics/974193coveraurelian2.jpg)
Administration Admin - Messages : 6893
Re: [Horus Heresy] Aurelian d'Aaron Dembski-Bowden
J'espère aussi qu'ils mettront ce livres en bon Français nous autres fans. A voir dans l'avenir.
![[Horus Heresy] Aurelian d'Aaron Dembski-Bowden - Page 3 25154110](https://i.servimg.com/u/f43/14/43/37/71/25154110.png)
Corax Maître de Guerre - Messages : 6772
Age : 46
Localisation : Délivrance / Lorraine
Re: [Horus Heresy] Aurelian d'Aaron Dembski-Bowden
Pour le prix, c'est clairement abusé mais au moins ils font (à peu près...
) la conversion euro/dollar, ce qui est loin d'être la norme dans la vente en ligne...
![Rolling Eyes](https://2img.net/i/fa/i/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif)
![[Horus Heresy] Aurelian d'Aaron Dembski-Bowden - Page 3 439568inquisitor3](https://2img.net/r/hpimg11/pics/439568inquisitor3.png)
Emperor Maître de Guerre - Messages : 4760
Re: [Horus Heresy] Aurelian d'Aaron Dembski-Bowden
Un bel objet de collection quand même, la version goldie est numérotée et signée.
Kairos le Tisseur Sergent Space Marine - Messages : 653
Re: [Horus Heresy] Aurelian d'Aaron Dembski-Bowden
C'est aujourd'hui, à partir de cette fin d'après-midi !
Aurelian will be on sale Monday 17th October at 6pm (BST).
![[Horus Heresy] Aurelian d'Aaron Dembski-Bowden - Page 3 Lorgar_Aurelian_NRoberts](https://2img.net/h/www.blacklibrary.com/Images/Product/AlternativeBL/xlarge/Lorgar_Aurelian_NRoberts.jpg)
Aurelian Gold Edition
Aurelian Silver Edition
After the destruction of Monarchia and the Emperor’s reprimanding of the Word Bearers Legion, the primarch Lorgar spent many long years searching the stars for the universal truths of the cosmos – when he finally came to gaze deep into the Eye of Terror, with grim inevitability he found that the Eye stared back. Now, guided by the daemon Ingethel, he undertakes a spiritual journey into the heart of Chaos itself and sees that the entire destiny of mankind and the Imperium could rest upon just a few nexus events. As the Great Crusade burns itself out in treachery and deceit, Lorgar weighs the cost of his ambitions, and sets his course for eternal damnation.
![[Horus Heresy] Aurelian d'Aaron Dembski-Bowden - Page 3 Lorgar_Aurelian_NRoberts](https://2img.net/h/www.blacklibrary.com/Images/Product/AlternativeBL/xlarge/Lorgar_Aurelian_NRoberts.jpg)
Dernière édition par Horus Lupercal le Lun 17 Oct 2011 - 8:07, édité 1 fois
Administration Admin - Messages : 6893
Re: [Horus Heresy] Aurelian d'Aaron Dembski-Bowden
Emperor a écrit:Pour le prix, c'est clairement abusé mais au moins ils font (à peu près...) la conversion euro/dollar, ce qui est loin d'être la norme dans la vente en ligne...
C'est Euro/pound.
J'hésite à me prendre la version silver.. Par contre Horus 6pm c'est 18h.
Uriel Ventris Premier Capitaine - Messages : 1376
Age : 38
Localisation : Newcastle
Re: [Horus Heresy] Aurelian d'Aaron Dembski-Bowden
Uriel Ventris a écrit:J'hésite à me prendre la version silver.. Par contre Horus 6pm c'est 18h.
Ah oui, PM = post meridian, c'est après midi en fait. J'ai corrigé.
Administration Admin - Messages : 6893
Re: [Horus Heresy] Aurelian d'Aaron Dembski-Bowden
![[Horus Heresy] Aurelian d'Aaron Dembski-Bowden - Page 3 993569goldsoldout](https://2img.net/r/hpimg4/pics/993569goldsoldout.jpg)
![[Horus Heresy] Aurelian d'Aaron Dembski-Bowden - Page 3 994859silveredition](https://2img.net/r/hpimg4/pics/994859silveredition.jpg)
Reste encore ce matin 758 exemplaires de la Silver edition en vente.
Administration Admin - Messages : 6893
Re: [Horus Heresy] Aurelian d'Aaron Dembski-Bowden
J'hésite à me le prendre en Silver!!!Quel dilemme!!
Uriel Ventris Premier Capitaine - Messages : 1376
Age : 38
Localisation : Newcastle
Re: [Horus Heresy] Aurelian d'Aaron Dembski-Bowden
Je viens de m'inscrire car j'adore ce forum !
Et pour dire que je n'ai pas eu la version gold
Les voies de l'Empereur sont impénétrables !
Et pour dire que je n'ai pas eu la version gold
Les voies de l'Empereur sont impénétrables !
Re: [Horus Heresy] Aurelian d'Aaron Dembski-Bowden
Hé ben ça part vite! Pas le temps pour moi de mettre des sous de côté, tant pis ^ ^
Chris: Bienvenue, n'hésites pas à aller te présenter!
Chris: Bienvenue, n'hésites pas à aller te présenter!
![[Horus Heresy] Aurelian d'Aaron Dembski-Bowden - Page 3 83567111](https://i.servimg.com/u/f39/15/15/89/02/83567111.png)
Ackie Primarque - Messages : 3312
Age : 34
Localisation : Belgique
Re: [Horus Heresy] Aurelian d'Aaron Dembski-Bowden
Hier soir ils actualisaient les stocks de la version gold en direct sur leur twitter, et ben ils sont partis comme des briochettes les machins ! (Genre pas plus d'une demie-heure)
![[Horus Heresy] Aurelian d'Aaron Dembski-Bowden - Page 3 439568inquisitor3](https://2img.net/r/hpimg11/pics/439568inquisitor3.png)
Emperor Maître de Guerre - Messages : 4760
Re: [Horus Heresy] Aurelian d'Aaron Dembski-Bowden
Je me suis acheté une paire de Nike Air Force One, je sais tout le monde s'en fiche, mais ça reste plus important pour moi que de m'acheter une version "Ultra-collector-si-tu-l'a-pas-t'es-mort"!
Et puis peut-être, si on ose esperer, la sortiront-il en version classique et traduite d'ici quelques années...
Et puis peut-être, si on ose esperer, la sortiront-il en version classique et traduite d'ici quelques années...
Is Finecast using diamond mixed with cocaine?
La Galaxie en Flammes, le forum français de l'Hérésie d'Horus.
La Galaxie en Flammes, le forum français de l'Hérésie d'Horus.
Dakka Primarque - Messages : 3776
Localisation : Pom Pom Galli
Re: [Horus Heresy] Aurelian d'Aaron Dembski-Bowden
@ Dark Apostle Tu as acheté ces Nike pour aller aussi vite que Vif Argent ou Flash histoire d'avoir ce livre quand il sortira
![[Horus Heresy] Aurelian d'Aaron Dembski-Bowden - Page 3 25154110](https://i.servimg.com/u/f43/14/43/37/71/25154110.png)
Corax Maître de Guerre - Messages : 6772
Age : 46
Localisation : Délivrance / Lorraine
Re: [Horus Heresy] Aurelian d'Aaron Dembski-Bowden
Y'en a pu aussi de la silver edition.
Moralité il vaut mieux s'acheter une pair de Nike qu'un collector de l'Hérésie d'Horus, vous aurez plus de chance de l'avoir.
Moralité il vaut mieux s'acheter une pair de Nike qu'un collector de l'Hérésie d'Horus, vous aurez plus de chance de l'avoir.
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Re: [Horus Heresy] Aurelian d'Aaron Dembski-Bowden
Merci ^^, j’irai me présenter quand l'Empereur m'en donnera le temps ![Wink](https://2img.net/i/fa/i/smiles/icon_wink.gif)
Mais sinon, y à déjà des version gold sur ebay ... en mode recel ça vole dans les centaine d'euro ;(
Mais sinon, y à déjà des version gold sur ebay ... en mode recel ça vole dans les centaine d'euro ;(
Re: [Horus Heresy] Aurelian d'Aaron Dembski-Bowden
Achetez plutôt du rêve... quelqu'il soit.. pompes, figs bouquins... etc. ![study](https://2img.net/i/fa/i/smiles/icon_study.png)
Give a monkey a brain... And He'll swear that he's the center of the Universe
![[Horus Heresy] Aurelian d'Aaron Dembski-Bowden - Page 3 791398ultra](https://2img.net/r/hpimg11/pics/791398ultra.jpg)
Roboutte Guilliman Maître de Guerre - Messages : 4523
Age : 58
Localisation : Suisse, Montpellier, Savoie.. Le multiverse quoi
Re: [Horus Heresy] Aurelian d'Aaron Dembski-Bowden
Chris_75011 a écrit:Mais sinon, y à déjà des version gold sur ebay ... en mode recel ça vole dans les centaine d'euro ;(
Curieux ça, il y a des spéculateurs qui ont acheté des Aurelian Gold juste pour les refourguer contre des centaines de billets sur ebay ?
Kairos le Tisseur Sergent Space Marine - Messages : 653
Re: [Horus Heresy] Aurelian d'Aaron Dembski-Bowden
Mais oui, ils font ça avec tout les vils marauds ! :
Aurelian, La tour foudroyée, Space Hulk, et pour rester dans les grolles, même mes Adidas modèle Skywalker proviennent d'ebay ...
![[Horus Heresy] Aurelian d'Aaron Dembski-Bowden - Page 3 439568inquisitor3](https://2img.net/r/hpimg11/pics/439568inquisitor3.png)
Emperor Maître de Guerre - Messages : 4760
Re: [Horus Heresy] Aurelian d'Aaron Dembski-Bowden
![[Horus Heresy] Aurelian d'Aaron Dembski-Bowden - Page 3 813968Aureliansilver](https://2img.net/r/hpimg11/pics/813968Aureliansilver.jpg)
- Spoiler:
- Where to start, a much more worthy Novella imo compared to Promethean Sun which didn't really expand on the main story where as this one fills in the gaps and sort of explains Lorgar's decisions to turn on the Imperium.
I'll give a brief summary without going into to much detail since it's fairly complicated as it shifts in location as part of the way the chaos gods influence Lorgar.
The prologue starts on the day when Lorgar takes over his world, Kor Phaeron already appears to be a dick by this stage. The hints of heresy are already there in his words when he doesn't deny Lorgar's belief of the one god (emperor) but he talks about there being many other gods.
It then shifts to the meeting room where if you've read the extracts Lorgar batters Daemon Fulgrim and then speaks to Magnus about his pilgrimage.
It then shifts to the pilgrimage which we saw the beginning of in The First Heretic He takes a walk around cadia with Ingethel and the beginning of Lorgar's turning starts with the explanation about what happened to the Eldar, about how they didn't accept the gods and in the end killed themselves by making a new god. He also explains what the warp is and the merging of the two realities.
This is explained while walking through the wreck of a crashed craftworld which failed to make it away when the eye of terror blew into existence. Lorgar senses some form of life and walks through mirages of ghostly Eldar before coming to the heart of the craftworld where an avatar of khaine digs himself out of the rubble, he's terribly injuried not aflame, only smoke is coming off him, he's in no state of mind or body to fight.
More explanations about how stupid the Eldar are follow where Lorgar kind of pities the Avatar who only says the words that translate into "The Wailing Doom", anyway Lorgar eventually shows the avatar some mercy when he caves his head in with his crozius.
Then it shifts and he's before the Eternity Gate on Terra when it suddenly shifts and he's confronted by the battle in ghost form, a monstrous daemon is beating Imperial Fists to a pulp (looks like a daemon prince I think) anyway Lorgar has no idea who it is until he Ingethel tells him it's Argel Tal and that the Word Bearers had painted their armour due to the treachery. This is where Sanguinius shows up and then Ingethel says "This is where Argel Tal dies.." before shifting to another world.
The next part is interesting it states a lot of the possibilities that could of happened to lorgar, the first was he could of died in youth killed by assassins wanting to keep the old ways and that when the Emperor arrived it was a dead world, the next he was poisoned by his dad (Kor Phaeron) on the day of victory because he felt he could no longer manipulate him. The next that his temper was really bad and he had a fight with Sanguinius stabbing him in the back and in punishment Horus butchered him. The most interesting imo is the next one, it states he defied the Anathema (Emperor) falsely considering it to be human and he was executed by Curze and Russ before sorcery of alchemical and genetic power was used to poison his geneseed and his legion which would eventually be wiped out by the Ultramarines.
He keeps asking why it's him who was brought, why not the generals like Horus or Guilliman, why not Sanguinius or Dorn and finally why not Magnus
It then shifts again and he's on a daemon world which looks like Tizca. It's shortly after Magnus ran from Leman Russ and the evidence of mutation is everywhere as the thousand son guard has tentacles etc. Basically what happens here is Ingethel explains that Magnus was already under their control, especially by Tzeentch and that what was needed was an undivided champion of all the powers. Lorgar tries to confront Magnus but gets dragged out by the combined efforts of Magnus expelling him and Ingethel pulling him.
Then Ingethel tells him that if he chooses wrongly he may end up dead. On shrike if he gets between Russ and Magnus he may end up dead during their duel and then the best part if he ever draws a weapon against his brother Corax, in a battle you can never win he's almost certain to die.
What happens next scares Ingethel as it's against the plan, he even states he's not a duellist to match the lion, not a brawler to match Russ, nor a fighter to match Angron, nor a Warrior to equal Khan or a soldier like Dorn or a killer like Curze. An'ggrath the Unbound comes down and challenges Lorgar, it's touch and go by Lorgar eventually banishes him (which tbh seems to make him more powerful than Sanguinius as he does it considerably easier imo)
Then the fateweaver, oracle of change comes. He declares he has to tell one lie and one truth forever but the gods have allowed him on this occasion to deliver a choice to lorgar, either he gives into vengeance and faces Roboute Guilliman at Calth and kills him gaining awe and respect from his brothers, but loses the war against the Emperor or he doesn't face Guilliman for personal glory and chooses to fight on Terra. He shows Lorgar how he kills Guilliman who dies with a smile on his lips, the oracle states that it's either because he hates Lorgar, he was amused to find out he was right about Lorgar and that he was a traitor in waiting OR that he never loathed Lorgar, Lorgar had always imagined his hatred but he does not respect Lorgar as they are to different and lorgar's imagination has always been the source of the feud.
Anyway it comes back to Lorgar speaking to magnus after the meeting where he bashed Fulgrim. They return to the meeting and Lorgar wants to know where Fulgrim is. (He's back down on Istvaan) So Lorgar goes down and confronts Fulgrim, when a vox comes in and the entire Word Bearer Legion has teleported onto the ships of the Emperor's Children. This forces Fulgrim to give into Lorgar's demands which is to see the actual Fulgrim. So he takes him to see the painting in the theatre (From Fulgrim) where he looks into the eyes and sees his brother's soul. He then pat the daemon fulgrim on his shoulder pad and says take care of Fulgrims body during your Stewardship.
Phew...that was a lot to write.
Administration Admin - Messages : 6893
Re: [Horus Heresy] Aurelian d'Aaron Dembski-Bowden
Faudrait pouvoir faire pression pour avoir une trad même en version pocket...
Il s'agit d'un code libre de toutes les entraves des lois naturelles auxquelles se soumet l'humanité
Mechanicum Noir Scout - Messages : 75
Localisation : Manufactorum de Toulon
Re: [Horus Heresy] Aurelian d'Aaron Dembski-Bowden
Mechanicum Noir a écrit:Faudrait pouvoir faire pression pour avoir une trad même en version pocket...
On a le droit d'y croire. En duo avec Promethan Sun (autre collector sortie l'année dernière en série ultra limitée) ?
![Rolling Eyes](https://2img.net/i/fa/i/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif)
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Page 3 sur 7 • 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
» [Horus Heresy] Lord of the red sands de Aaron Dembski-Bowden
» [Horus Heresy] Prince of Crows d'Aaron Dembski-Bowden
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» [Horus Heresy] Betrayer by Aaron Dembski-Bowden (premium hardback)
» [Horus Heresy] Prince of Crows d'Aaron Dembski-Bowden
» [Horus Heresy] Butcher's Nails by Aaron Dembski-Bowden
» [Horus Heresy] The Master of Mankind par Aaron Dembski-Bowden
» [Horus Heresy] Betrayer by Aaron Dembski-Bowden (premium hardback)
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