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W40k Gladius - Relics of War

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W40k Gladius - Relics of War Empty W40k Gladius - Relics of War

Message par Nico. Sam 25 Nov 2017 - 16:10

Warhammer 40,000: Gladius – Relics of War incorporates the dark, gothic, far future science-fantasy setting in ways never tried before. A brand new, deep storyline has been created to combine elements of 4X gameplay with a combat-focused system. The evolution of technology, construction of infrastructures and exploration of an unknown world, goes hand in hand with the management of military resources, including heroes with special abilities and mighty war machines.

Warhammer 40,000: Gladius has been designed to give four totally different gameplay experiences, depending on which factions players choose. Space Marines, Astra Militarum (aka Imperial Guard), Orks and Necrons each have dramatically different characteristics, both in how they develop and expand and in the way they interact with allies and enemies. This gives the game virtually endless replay value and players the chance to play out the same experience in totally divergent ways.
In Warhammer 40,000: Gladius there is also a massive difference between playing solo or in multiplayer. The deep storyline was created from scratch to allow players to explore an entire world and lead the expansion of an empire from the ground up. The discovery of ancient artefacts and the custom-crafted quests will reveal the secrets of the planet and its mysterious history as the story progresses.
The real-time multiplayer system lets players build their own path to victory while fighting against live opponents, time and the natural perils that Gladius hides.

Un 4X comme Civilization. A voir ce que cela va donner, si c'est bien réalisé ou non. Déjà, y'a la Garde Impériale donc cela éveille ma curiosité.

W40k Gladius - Relics of War 846747844195bannirenicoor4GRAND


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Age : 34

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W40k Gladius - Relics of War Empty Re: W40k Gladius - Relics of War

Message par BlooDrunk Sam 25 Nov 2017 - 18:20

Encore... lol

J'en espère pas grand chose, j'aime pourtant assez ce type de jeux, faut voir...

W40k Gladius - Relics of War 30k-le10


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W40k Gladius - Relics of War Empty Re: W40k Gladius - Relics of War

Message par Ayagami Mer 18 Juil 2018 - 21:52

Bon, testé ce soir.
Un énième wargame sans intérêt.
Prenez Civilisation, enlevez toute la diplomatie (ce qui est tout l'intérêt du jeux à la base, je le rappelle) et vous avez un fade jeux de stratégie mal ficelé.
Sanctus Reach est mieux travaillé. Civilisation est mieux travaillé.
Ce jeux est une version bâtarde des deux mais en moins intéressante que chacun des deux autres.


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W40k Gladius - Relics of War Empty Re: W40k Gladius - Relics of War

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