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Programme des publications The Black Library 2019 - UK

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Message par Nico. Dim 13 Oct 2019 - 23:21

Des news:

Lion El'Jonson: Lord of the First de David Guymer

Each primarch is an exemplary being, derived from the Emperor’s own genetic stock to embody a facet of His personality. Their powers are unfathomable, but only one of them is the First. Lion El’Jonson is the paragon of what it is to be a primarch. His Legion, pre-eminent for most of their long history, typify the virtues of temperance, pride, and martial excellency that the Lion embodies. They are the Emperor’s last line and final sanction. They are His Dark Angels.

Now, while the Emperor gathers His mightiest sons for an assault on Ullanor Prime, the Lord of the First instead draws his Legion to the farthest reaches of the known galaxy, seeking to subdue a single rebellious world. Is this but another example of the Lion’s infamous pride, or is there more afoot amidst that graveyard of empires that is the Ghoul Stars, more than the Lion will share even with his own sons?

Soulless Fury de Will McDermott (Necromunda, l'auteur des vieux Kal Jericho)

No one knows murder like Mad Donna. Where she goes, death follows – she is a force of nature, leaving devastated settlements and shell casings in her wake. But even Necromunda has its limits for senseless, unsanctioned violence. Scrutinator Primus Servalen, armed with the personal seal of Lord Helmawr – to which no request can be denied and no door barred – is dispatched to bring the misbegotten scion of House Ulanti to justice, but first she has to track her down… and how do you find one murderer in amongst the bloodshed of the Underhive?

Watchers of the Throne: The Regent's Shadow de Chris Wraight

As Guilliman, Regent of Terra, heads off to lead the Indomitus Crusade, he leaves behind a world still in turmoil, beset by cult activity. Stripped of its huge armies for the galactic offensive, recovery is precarious. The Custodians do what they can while keeping the Palace secure, and the Sisters of Silence rebuild their citadel on Luna. When the warship Phalanx returns, it seems that stability will at last be assured. However, as reconquest forces push out further into the slums, they come across signs that another mysterious foe is active. The truth dawns – not every enemy is corrupted by Chaos, for there are many on Terra who do not share Guilliman’s vision of a new order and the prospect of a Terran civil war looms...

Space Marine Conquests: Masters of Shadow de Thomas Parrott

Conquered by the vile forces of the Word Bearers, the cemetery world of Perdition is dying. Its inhabitants expire while toiling in cruel mines, forced to desecrate holy relics of the Imperium. To save these souls, the Vanguard Marines of the Raven Guard, masters of shadow, begin a guerrilla war against the heretics. But the taint of Chaos runs deep, and Primaris Lieutenant Turan Raakis must rally the downtrodden mortals to lead a rebellion worthy of his primarch, Corvus Corax, if he is to free humanity from Perdition.

Imperium at War - Omnibus des novellas series 2

On the once-glorious shrine world of Chevreuse, the stalemate between Faithful and Defiler is broken when the Adeptus Astartes take to the field, and the Fulminators walk the Storm. Deep in the alien forests of Kallash, Mordian lives are fed to the meatgrinder of war to blunt the advance of a vast greenskin horde, until one hastily built medicae post is all that stands against the tide. And across the gulf of the void, the soulless Necrons pursue their inscrutable agendas, one that will see Nemesor Zahndrekh and Vargard Obyron test their bond, searching for what lurks in the darkness and what has become of those known only as ‘the Severed’…

Imperium at War - Omnibus des novellas series 2

Trials of the Mortal Realm - Omnibus des novellas series 2

Death on the Pitch: Extra Time - Nouvelle version de ce recueil avec 2 histoires jamais en papier avant

Mark of Faith
de Rachel Harrison

With the birth of the Cicatrix Maledictum the Imperium of Mankind suffers as never before. Conflict and corruption is rife on every front and precious little hope remains, save for those who hold to their faith when faced with destruction...

Denied a martyr’s death during the battle for Ophelia VII, Sister Evangeline of the Order of Our Martyred Lady is blessed with a new and grave duty; to embark on a pilgrimage beyond the Great Rift to recover a precious and powerful artefact – the Shield of Saint Katherine. Accompanied by the enigmatic Inquisitor Ravara, who seeks her own closure in the veiled regions beyond the Rift, Evangeline must find a way to bear the weight of this unaskedfor destiny if she and her Sisters are to succeed in restoring a fragment of light to this new dark Imperium.

Oaths and Conquests - Recueil d'histoires courtes AoS dont une de Willliam King !

Programme des publications The Black Library 2019 - UK - Page 6 38fdb710

The Mortal Realms are burning.
The hope brought by Sigmar’s storm is now nothing more than a dwindling light against the darkness of Chaos, as mighty warlords rise to prominence and teeming hordes of ratmen and greenskins threaten to topple civilisation altogether. Stormcast and mortal alike take up arms in defence of the bastions of Order, united in their hatred of Chaos. But every warrior killed in battle strengthens the legions of Nagash, which march relentlessly in their crusade against the living.
This Age of Sigmar anthology includes thirteen tales concerning the oaths of the righteous, and the conquests of the damned.
By William King, David Guymer, Anna Stephens, Robert Rath, Dale Lucas and many more…

J'en profite pour ajouter ceci:

Programme des publications The Black Library 2019 - UK - Page 6 5ac7ce10

Having fought during the devastation of Baal, Mephiston and a cohort of Blood Angels are drawn by cryptic visions to a wartorn world on the cusp of the Great Rift. Here, the sorcerers of the Thousand Sons seek to unite nine Silver Towers and bring about a ritual that will empower their master, the daemonprimarch Magnus. The ritual must be prevented, lest the entire subsector be cast into Chaos. Mephiston faces a challenge like no other, of his strength and his will, confronting a hidden truth that threatens to expose him to his darkest fears.

Programme des publications The Black Library 2019 - UK - Page 6 87591d10
Threatened with losing their ship to pay their investors, Brokrin Ullissonn and the crew of the Iron Dragon embark on a perilous voyage: to seek out the fabled sky-island of Profit’s Ruin. Glory and riches await them if they can discover the secrets of the infamous legend, but it is a voyage undertaken by only the brave and the desperate. Beset by enemies old and new, Brokrin’s journey is fraught with danger and overshadowed by a terrible truth: no Kharadron vessel has ever escaped from the grip of this floating sea of weeds and vines. Will the Iron Dragon be the first?

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Message par Thibault ALC Lun 14 Oct 2019 - 17:08

Tyrion60 a écrit:Petite question qui va peut être paraître conne pour certain: existe t’il aussi des versions collectors  comme celles-ci mais en VF?

Ces couvertures donnent juste trop faim à ma bibiliothèque !!!

Malheureusement non...

Merci pour toutes news Nico !! Je suis pressé de voir la Limited Edition de Lion El'Jonson... Rolling Eyes

Thibault ALC
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Message par Historiae Imperiales Titi Lun 14 Oct 2019 - 18:14

Nico a écrit:Lion El'Jonson: Lord of the First de David Guymer

   Each primarch is an exemplary being, derived from the Emperor’s own genetic stock to embody a facet of His personality. Their powers are unfathomable, but only one of them is the First. Lion El’Jonson is the paragon of what it is to be a primarch. His Legion, pre-eminent for most of their long history, typify the virtues of temperance, pride, and martial excellency that the Lion embodies. They are the Emperor’s last line and final sanction. They are His Dark Angels.

   Now, while the Emperor gathers His mightiest sons for an assault on Ullanor Prime, the Lord of the First instead draws his Legion to the farthest reaches of the known galaxy, seeking to subdue a single rebellious world. Is this but another example of the Lion’s infamous pride, or is there more afoot amidst that graveyard of empires that is the Ghoul Stars, more than the Lion will share even with his own sons?

Oh yeah ! Justement je me demandais depuis un moment qui serait le prochain Primarque à avoir droit à son tome. J'en salive d'avance  bounce
On a une date de sortie ?
Merci pour les news Nico, toujours au top !

J'étais là, le jour où Horus a tué l'Empereur...

Pour la liste de mes coups de cœur, mes coups de gueule et aussi mes coups de flemme, c'est ici que ça se passe !
Historiae Imperiales Titi

Historiae Imperiales Titi
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Space Marine

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Message par Gilthanas Mar 15 Oct 2019 - 7:57

Je dois avouer que le pitch de Watchers of the Throne: The Regent's Shadow de Chris Wraight est très tentant !


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Message par Nico. Dim 20 Oct 2019 - 21:03

Nouvelles cover:


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Message par Nico. Lun 4 Nov 2019 - 2:43

Février 2020:

Programme des publications The Black Library 2019 - UK - Page 6 Blcomi26
Programme des publications The Black Library 2019 - UK - Page 6 Blcomi27
Programme des publications The Black Library 2019 - UK - Page 6 Blcomi28Programme des publications The Black Library 2019 - UK - Page 6 Blcomi29

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Message par Fett Mar 5 Nov 2019 - 8:17

Du coup la nouvelle gamme "Horror" se passe dans quel univers Warhammer ? Vous pensez qu'on aura la chance de les avoir en VF ?


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Message par Nico. Mar 5 Nov 2019 - 11:30

Les Horror sont 40k et AoS suivant le livre. Pour la VF le recueil Malediction arrive en début d'année prochaine.

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Message par Fett Mer 6 Nov 2019 - 10:33

Ok, merci! Et comment on sait dans quel univers se passe tel ou tel livre?


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