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Gotrek & Felix the Omnibus

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Gotrek & Felix the Omnibus Empty Gotrek & Felix the Omnibus

Message par Administration Dim 2 Sep 2012 - 5:32

En janvier et février 2013la Black Library va rééditer les 3 premiers omnibus de la série Gotrek & Felix avec de toutes nouvelles couvertures et illustrations.
Et en mars 2013 sortira le 4ème Omnibus des aventures de Gotrek & Felix !

Bien sûr ces omnibus sortiront uniquement en anglais pour le moment.

NB : Les 3 volumes qui nous avons en français resteront à l'image de la première édition en anglais de ces omnibus.

Gotrek & Felix the Omnibus 179364GotrekFelixtheomnibus

Présentations des 4 omnibus :

==> Gotrek & Felix: The First Omnibus by William King

Gotrek and Felix: unsung heroes of the Empire, or nothing more than common thieves and murderers? The truth perhaps lies somewhere in between, and depends entirely upon whom you ask... Relive the early adventures of the Slayer and his human companion. From the haunted forests of the Empire to the darkness beneath the Worlds Edge Mountains, Gotrek and Felix face demented cultists, sinister goblins and a monstrous troll. In the city of Nuln, they get involved in an invasion by the sewer-dwelling skaven. And in the frozen north, an expedition to the lost dwarf hold of Karag Dum brings Gotrek and Felix face to face with a dread Bloothirster of Chaos…
A new edition of the first omnibus in the bestselling series.

==> Gotrek & Felix: The Second Omnibus by William King

Gotrek and Felix: unsung heroes of the Empire, or nothing more than common thieves and murderers? The truth perhaps lies somewhere in between, and depends entirely upon whom you ask... The Slayer and his poet companion continue their adventures, aided by the Kislevite warrior-princess Ulrika, the wizard Max Schreiber and Gotrek’s old comrade Snorri Nosebiter. Returning from their expedition to the distant north, Gotrek and Felix find themselves under attack by an army of monstrous greenskins – and a terrifying dragon. When an immense Chaos horde besieges Praag, the adventurers hasten to defend the beleaguered city – but the masters of the Chaos host have plans for Gotrek. When Ulrika, is captured by a dread vampire, the race is on to rescue her before she succumbs to the curse of undeath.
A new edition of the second omnibus in the bestselling series.

==> Gotrek & Felix: The Third Omnibus by William King & Nathan Long

Gotrek and Felix: unsung heroes of the Empire, or nothing more than common thieves and murderers? The truth perhaps lies somewhere in between, and depends entirely upon whom you ask... Escaping from a horde of enemies, Gotrek and Felix stumble into a network of ancient magical tunnels and emerge on the mist-shrouded isle of Albion, where old foes are hatching a deadly plan. In the far south, the Slayer aids a dwarf prince against the orcs and goblins who have seized his hold. And when they meet their old friend, the dwarf engineer Malakai Makaisson, the heroes uncover a sinister plot to sabotage a dwarf airship and aid the forces of Chaos in their war with the Empire.
A new edition of the third omnibus in Warhammer’s longest running series.

==> Gotrek & Felix: The Fourth Omnibus by Nathan Long

Gotrek and Felix: unsung heroes of the Empire, or nothing more than common thieves and murderers? The truth perhaps lies somewhere in between, and depends entirely upon whom you ask... Captured by dark elves and imprisoned in a terrifying Black Ark, Felix must forge a fragile alliance of prisoners and incite rebellion. Back on dry land, Gotrek and his companion are drawn into a frantic battle against monstrous beastmen in the heart of the Empire’s forests. And trapped in a fortress under siege by the restless dead, commanded by the sinister Heinrich Kemmler and the mighty Krell, the heroes must unite the fractious defenders if they are to live to see the dawn.
The fourth omnibus in Warhammer’s longest running series.

excla Si un volontaire se propose pour nous traduire les 4 présentations je suis preneur ! merci
Sinon c'est pas grave, cela ne généra en rien l’intérêt de nos amis anglophiles.

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Gotrek & Felix the Omnibus Empty Re: Gotrek & Felix the Omnibus

Message par Nico. Dim 2 Sep 2012 - 14:28

Ouwaaaa ça c'est de la cover d'Omnibus digne de ce nom !

Vraiment dommage que nous pauvres français devons se taper les autres bien laides...

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