[The Black Library Weekender 2019] - Centralisation des news
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[The Black Library Weekender 2019] - Centralisation des news
Lors du Week-end des 9 et 10 novembre 2019 se déroule l'événement The Black Weekender à Nottingham. Cet événement annuel permet à de nombreux auteurs de rencontrer les fans pour des dédicaces ou pré-ventes de livres, mais surtout donne lieu à quelques conférences tout au long des deux journées sur les univers de la Black Library.
Voici le planning:
Avec 28 auteurs et artistes
Des livres en pré-vente:
Le Black Librarium ne sera pas représenté lors de l'événement, mais je vais essayer de faire un Live Tweet, soit des transmissions d'infos et de photos en direct venant de gens présents (j'ai un envoyé spécial). Et si vous voulez poster des news ici, pensez à citer les sources.
Pour cela vous devez nous suivre sur notre compte Twitter @blacklibrarium:
Ces informations seront relayées à certains moment de la journée ici par le staff ou moi même, avec des ajouts et compléments. Les informations ici seront peut être plus détaillées que celles du Twitter, mais arriveront plus tard.
Nico. Admin - Messages : 10485
Age : 34
Re: [The Black Library Weekender 2019] - Centralisation des news
Premières photos pre-Weekender de mon envoyé spécial sur place:
Et le contenu de l'Events Exclusive 2019/2020, on remarque l'absence d'HH.
Et quelques infos après une discussion avec Dan Abnett:
1) Interceptor City sera éventuellement écrit, il espère après Penitent.
2) Penitent est en cours d'écriture.
3) Quelque chose de "gros" arrivera l'année prochaine.
4) Il espère qu'il y aura plus de livre de background à sortir (comme celui sur les Mondes de Sabbat)
Et pour Guy Haley, il devrait arriver bientôt un troisième roman sur l'équipe de char suivi dans Baneblade et Shadowsword.
Demain il y aura d'autres photos et infos, j'actualiserai régulièrement si on a de belles choses. Mais vu les séminaires, je crois qu'il faudra attendre celui de l'aprem sur le Siège pour en avoir peut être des intéressantes mais il n'y a que les auteurs des 3 premiers tomes que l'on connait déjà ...
Et le contenu de l'Events Exclusive 2019/2020, on remarque l'absence d'HH.
Et quelques infos après une discussion avec Dan Abnett:
1) Interceptor City sera éventuellement écrit, il espère après Penitent.
2) Penitent est en cours d'écriture.
3) Quelque chose de "gros" arrivera l'année prochaine.
4) Il espère qu'il y aura plus de livre de background à sortir (comme celui sur les Mondes de Sabbat)
Et pour Guy Haley, il devrait arriver bientôt un troisième roman sur l'équipe de char suivi dans Baneblade et Shadowsword.
Demain il y aura d'autres photos et infos, j'actualiserai régulièrement si on a de belles choses. Mais vu les séminaires, je crois qu'il faudra attendre celui de l'aprem sur le Siège pour en avoir peut être des intéressantes mais il n'y a que les auteurs des 3 premiers tomes que l'on connait déjà ...
Nico. Admin - Messages : 10485
Age : 34
Re: [The Black Library Weekender 2019] - Centralisation des news
Je n'étais pas sur le pc de la journée donc voici le rapport de la première journée du Weekender. Il faut savoir que ce Black Library Weekender est particulièrement pauvre, que ce soit en news, en contenu sur place en pré-vente ou en séminaires intéressants. Sans parler d'un énorme problème d'organisation du staff de la BL qui a réussi à oublier les machines pour lire les codes barres, donc ils ont dû enregistrer à la main le code de chaque produit acheté pour chaque personne. Résultat, la queue pour les achats a duré pas loin de 4h pour certains ! La plupart ont donc loupé les séminaires de la matinée... beaucoup de gens râlent. Je peux comprendre, tu paies un ticket 80 €, tu fais le déplacement et tu loupes toute la première matinée à faire la queue. Dur.
Comme je le disais, niveau news c'est très pauvre parce que les auteurs ont reçu pour consigne de ne rien dire sur leurs futures projets ou livres à paraître avant que le séminaire "Coming Soon" ne soit passé, c'est à dire le dernier du Weekend demain en milieu d'après midi. C'est débile, cela donne un Weekender sans news, avec des séminaires sur des livres déjà sortis ou qu'ils peuvent acheter sur place tout ça pour garder l'effet de surprise pour demain. Sachant qu'à mon avis la moitié des nouveautés sont déjà connues ici avec les news que j'ai rapporté ces derniers mois. C'est vraiment ridicule, une journée complète de Weekender sans infos. Enfin presque, mon envoyé spécial sur place a tout de même réussi à en décrocher certaines, en complément de celles déjà postées hier.
1) Penitent de Dan Abnett pourrait arriver l'année prochaine (fin d'année).
2) La plupart des personnages de Pariah devraient donc revenir dans ce livre, plus pas mal de nouveaux.
3) Urdesh de Matthew Farrer, qui devait sortir en même temps que Warmaster et conter la même bataille mais du point de vue des Brothers of the Snake, est écrit et enfin en finalisation, il devrait sortir en 2020.
4) Le troisième tome de la trilogie Space Wolves de Chris Wraight devrait enfin arriver l'année prochaine, pour rappel le tome 2 Stormcaller est sorti en février 2014 !
Et... c'est tout ! En compensation, voici des résumés de plusieurs séminaires, c'est en anglais donc si vous avez du mal au pire faites un copier/coller dans google trad. Cela vient d'un membre du forum Bolter & Chainsword.
The Holy Ordos - Dan Abnett, John French et Mike Brooks
Saints and Martyrs - Rachel Harrison
Navigating the Dark Millennium - Nick Kyme, Guy Haley, Gav Thorpe et David Annandale
Siege of Terra: The Beginning of the End - John French, Guy Haley, Gav Thorpe et Neil Roberts
Valdor: Birth of the Imperium - Chris Wraight
Rendez vous demain pour de vraies news avec le séminaire "Coming Soon" en milieu d'après midi. Je posterai des photos si j'arrive à en avoir des bonnes et puis il y aura une récapitulatif sur le Warhammer Community.
Comme je le disais, niveau news c'est très pauvre parce que les auteurs ont reçu pour consigne de ne rien dire sur leurs futures projets ou livres à paraître avant que le séminaire "Coming Soon" ne soit passé, c'est à dire le dernier du Weekend demain en milieu d'après midi. C'est débile, cela donne un Weekender sans news, avec des séminaires sur des livres déjà sortis ou qu'ils peuvent acheter sur place tout ça pour garder l'effet de surprise pour demain. Sachant qu'à mon avis la moitié des nouveautés sont déjà connues ici avec les news que j'ai rapporté ces derniers mois. C'est vraiment ridicule, une journée complète de Weekender sans infos. Enfin presque, mon envoyé spécial sur place a tout de même réussi à en décrocher certaines, en complément de celles déjà postées hier.
1) Penitent de Dan Abnett pourrait arriver l'année prochaine (fin d'année).
2) La plupart des personnages de Pariah devraient donc revenir dans ce livre, plus pas mal de nouveaux.
3) Urdesh de Matthew Farrer, qui devait sortir en même temps que Warmaster et conter la même bataille mais du point de vue des Brothers of the Snake, est écrit et enfin en finalisation, il devrait sortir en 2020.
4) Le troisième tome de la trilogie Space Wolves de Chris Wraight devrait enfin arriver l'année prochaine, pour rappel le tome 2 Stormcaller est sorti en février 2014 !
Et... c'est tout ! En compensation, voici des résumés de plusieurs séminaires, c'est en anglais donc si vous avez du mal au pire faites un copier/coller dans google trad. Cela vient d'un membre du forum Bolter & Chainsword.
The Holy Ordos - Dan Abnett, John French et Mike Brooks
- Spoiler:
- Why inq?
JF- Role of inq as protecting humanity vs the imperium, different approaches impossible task ‘solve’ 40k. One inq could just send letters and info, another leads armies and crusades.
DA- variation gives a good way into 40k, immediate opp to create distinct characters. Greatest opp to write domestic 40k, the imp that all other stories are about defending
MB- power fantasy, inq may be physically weaker but wields ultimate power, allows the reader to project themselves and remain intellectual and emotional autonomy.
JF- horrible position, no-one else to call.
What motivates inq? What’s it like writing them through the factions motivations?
JF- allows great drama as ideology clashes with reality. But people expect something more simple than the reality of the setting. Direct clash between ideologies. Can lead to too much exposition
Da- originality in plots, at least theoretically. Have the ability to create stories from nothing, and allow stories of conflict to be resolved in more original and subtle ways than shooting someone. Inq is the best role, but still :cussty.
JF- what makes an inq other than the badges of office- know the truth of the universe and still function- chaos, warp etc and have the willpower not to be quivering mess. The descions aren’t automatically good, but they are fesicions. Which is better than inaction, whatever forms the plans take in an insane universe.
Mb- agrees. Not nesc more complex motives, but more complex tools- things available to them beyond just killing stuff. Inq work to a goal, however misdirected
Retinues- who is in them, what roles are they representing? Filling gaps or emphasising strengths?
Mb- inq need to be self sufficient, need stuff to live day-to-day. Cover all the bases with trustworthy individuals. Compares to crew of Firefly.
Da- allows you to write a bunch of idiosyncratic characters vs platoon of Astra militarum. Used the inq rule book when writing eisenhorn as gaming mechanic makes sense in real world. Growth of war and mirrored game development. Ravenor was a more conscious composition. Through inq and war bands interaction we learn about the inq’s character. Eisenhotn regrets treatment of warband by the time we see the Magos. Some like randomly rolled npcs who stuck around. Family dynamic more than any other faction- or superhero team. Took 2.5 books before realised the ravenor crew were the x men.
Jf- older than that, Jason and the Argonauts. Building cast of characters is interesting- they are potentially more so than the inq. The Horusian Wars books aren’t really about covenant. The warband are much more interesting. They don’t have the full picture, so it’s just like anyone doing a job. Fischig is great.
DA- focus was largely because of insane rescuing to write in first person; shift to third person (and back with the Bequin books Halfway through number 2) renders ravenor a non-character. Penitent will ‘melt your underpants’.
Audience qs.
Inq as power fantasy, can there be a satisfying reader experience where the Inq works well?
Jf- be a challenge, but ends up ‘Hans are we the baddies’- writing needs disruption and conflict.
Da- cliche/trope/checkovs gun for corrupted inq. Partially because power corrupts, but it is the standard career path because they know the truth about the universe which sends them insane, become heretics by default. Eisenhorn is dangerous just because of what he knows, he is still so loyal to the imp.
Jf- inq have the courage of their convictions, which makes them what they are. Ends up going against what they are.
Da- old ‘sane’ inq are either liars or bad inquisitors
Jf- would make a good story
Mb- my inq is relatively young but experienced and competent. Does her being xenos help keep her that way? Out of her depth with the warp. When doing that, she only copes because of power armour athletic etc.
Is psyker powers an easy way out of dealing with conflict?
Da- it’s a danger, get out of jail free card, so tries to mix it up and provide circumstances where they don’t work, want every set-piece to feel different from old ones. Still obeying the logic of the universe but making a scene work
Jf- psychic conflict is another thing- whole dimension based around eating you. Covenant and eisenhotn are low-level. Characters need to be one end of the power spectrum or the other. Massive power does bad things to the wielder- how does it effect the internal headspace. Intersting story.
Mb- inq servant in power armour
Does writing inq allow writers to explore the warp?
Da- interesting bit fraught with difficulties, can lead to information becoming untrustworthy. The most chilling things we can learn about the warp are the matter of fact after the event things. Less is more, esp with horror. Contrast with usual 40k, hard to be subtle because of its scale.
Jf- no-one in universe reallly know what the warp is- ordo malleus doesn’t know what daemons *are*. Ambiguity is great. The Emperors Legion has a great scene with nurglings that is really horrible when you think about it. Bloodthirster breaks the minds of the witness, in GG where descriptions use non visual senses.
Mb- inq in rites of passage relies on chetta for warp advice, recognising experience of others. She knows her deficiencies.
Da- that is rare in the imp. On balance the inq is good, but would things be better if they did nothing?
Saints and Martyrs - Rachel Harrison
- Spoiler:
- Enduring popularity of sisters?
Rh- introduced by 5th ed rule book kopinski vignette. Cool artwork, never dated. Symbolic of their enduring appeal. Looks tough with attitude. Realistic armour. Engaging. SoB generally the most symbolic visual faction of 40k, the gothic, the religious.
Why write about them?
Rh- army of faith key theme of 40k imp vs chaos, being able to write about sisterhood. How does their society work on and off the field.
Diff to Astra militarum
Rh- different feel, almost knightly. Diff cadence of voice, solemn different to honourbound. Different way of looking at the imperium.
What is the book about?
Rh- sister named evangeline, survives Ophelia; crusades beyond rift. The ways it has injured the imperium is reflected in the characters. Thematically, faith. Narrative SoB and inq narrative tracks. One About proving oneself and the other how to achieve what you want. The rift prompts changes to characters, becoming greater personal motivations big story through small lens.
Read prologue.first person, present continuous. Description of rift and burning city. Despair in defeat. Apocalyptic.
Tell us about evangeline
Rh- trying time figure her place in the imp and role in sisterhood- is she worthy of her holy scarring. Can she become worthy of a glorious death.
Lots of orders. Why martyrd lady?
Rh- on the boxes. But also see death as a reward. Trying to win, how can that be married with desire for glorious death?
What challenges did that present?
Rh- diff between being rash and selfless; absolute devotion to the Emp. There must be purpose.
Fund goal is death. Right death isn’t noble?
Rh- evang has a duty to fulfil as the crusade passes.
Why inq rather than SoB?
Rh- contrast. They’re both 1st person, diff perspectives. Evang young, inq old and morally dubious as a counter to her. Inq has so much agency, fun and cool to explore.
Challenge in 1st pers.
Rh- always intended as such. Both withhold information from their companions. Allowed to internalise so the readers know. Expressive reserved characters through internal monologue
Rare in 40k so few povs. Why?
Rh- some characters could have been, but they are good counterpoints so all is relevant to the story.
Editors find the right POV. These made the story
Rh- personal motivations feed into the wider plot arc, making the story more complicated through self discovery. Well developed deep characters.
1st person best way.
Rh- I love it. Raine too hard for it. Wraight has done most.
Why emotional relationships at war fiction?
Rh- facets that make the universe more relatable. Allows us to connect with the fantastical and different belief systems. Inq is horrible, but we understand the person she is through her relationship w retinue. Root emotion and connection with the bombastic and fantastical. Fractious relations make the characters whole.
40k needs something beyond survival to fight for. Why want to survive?
Rh- even faith is a relationship. Part of the clay that makes up a character. How do different personalities interact.
Do characters ever surprise you?
Rh- yes. Always. They go beyond the archetype in the synopsis esp as you think of prior experience. Changes can still blindside.
Pants or plot?
Rh- both. Plot pretty straight arrow, but unsure how much depth is needed in some sections when characters drive story. Build sympathy feel the resonance of earlier parts.
How was religion to write?
Rh- I’m not religious. Take what you care about most, how would it feel if they are taken from you? Evang raised by convents, not just faith- family, sense of self all tied to sOb. When this shakes, her whole self does. Hard book to write. Set up a character, only to dismantle to rebuild.
Contrast w Hamilcar in AoS. Darker and self reflective. Challenging morally. 1st person made difficult to write
Rh- difficult, but the only way to write. They feel like real people. Loose concepts become real is satisfying.
Writer gets to know characters like readers. Dreams are important. Why?
Rh- evang has marks, but also feels guided by emp via a connection- where is he taking her. Inq is precog psyker. Follows dreams. Both rely on self belief. Are these faliable?
As a writer, real world research. Where for this?
Rh- reading into visions and pretentious dreams. Wide reading is good. Try to find gritty examples. Visions in book different to each other- portents vs immersive experiences.
2nd novel. Harder?
Rh- really hard. Perseverance makes you proud. Can see the strengths looking back. Way too involved in planning all the time. Can’t switch off. Quite a sad book, emotional bleed is inevitable.
Tied in with plastic SoB
Rh- extra set of things to consider. Wanted then to feel as super emblematic of the faction. Allows you to join the tread between the novel and the new models. Amazing opportunity. Massive privilege.
Hard q. aM or SoB?
Rh- um. Different. Things. Raine feels familiar. Instant connection. Mark of faith hard work, 90k words of celebrity cameos. They’re super cool and unique. I can’t answer.
Advice on writing?
Rh- twofold. Keep trying. Difficult best results. Flip side it will reward you when you push through. Don’t second guess, go with instinct. It’s the right choice.
Any poignant SoB books?
Rh- swallow’s ones. The codex material. Wanted to imbue sense of history to the orders and planets. Very resonated in the background. Terra! Fun to write. Biggest example of me as 40k nerd.
Nature of faith. Modern cannot be verified. Post rift is perfect for SoB they know it’s real.
Rh- physical component to faith. Pulling on the acts of faith. Pitted vs daemons for this reason. Big anti-chaos power, part of the battle scenes. Not just faithful in the modern sense. It’s everything to them. Are they fanatics?
(KH- Though the real world lens, yes. In 40k less so.)
SoB are needed in a world when he’ll can literally come for you. Daemons are a big deal. All evil forced into the physical realm.
(Kh- are they heroic)
Gender. Few female. This is fantastic to be redressed. Few points of reference. What was it like breaking new ground?
Rh- scary to think about it like that. Write for what I would engage with. Diverse spread of female characters with range of wants/needs/interactions. Approached like any book, only difference is 90% female, esp the core relationships.
(Kh- try to tell stories, but gender doesn’t really come into 40k if you can bleed and die)
Great Rift. Does the book mention the Primarch’s impact?
Rh- it’s momentous, but it clips the edge of those events. It is a massive deal, but not directly relevant to the story here. The book shows the other side of the rift to a degree.
The rift again. Such a tragedy. How was it writing a survivor of that?
Rh- the rift is formative for her. Survival is a key part of her character. It’s not nesc the most favourable thing in her order. It’s not what she wants. How does that effect her?
Navigating the Dark Millennium - Nick Kyme, Guy Haley, Gav Thorpe et David Annandale
- Spoiler:
- Gh- no navigators, Terra starves
Jf- the black ships have slowed, psychic evolution of mankind continues to grow
Gh- CW’s Terra books deal with this.
Reaction to 1st navi novel
Jf- pleases for MB, but wanted it for himself. Nicely.
Gh- there can be more now
Mb- me again
When pitching rites of passage, how craft to feel like a navi novel?
Mb- so different to everyone else, they’re not combatants. But due to the nature of the work all will encounter conflict. They’re doing a job through created mutation. Getting from a-b with the minimum madness and death. Very different perspective, wealth and influence. Chetta is hugely powerful across the imp. 1% of 1%. Going to fancy galas and festivals, living in a political world, GoT in space. Combat but not a combat novel. Other elements are warp related. I could punch chetta in the face. More than just survival.
Jf- arrogant. Internal game, their reality is growing influence
Mb- not the imp vs all others, just each other.
Navi predates the imp largely unchanged. How has this affected their culture?
More mutated.
Jf- so fundamentally 40k, intensivied over time. The worse the warp gets, the more powerful the houses are. With the right contracts, you become the thing that allows the night of the imp get to a-b. Makes for different stories.
Mb- navi are disaster capitalists
Jf- yes. The more they have, the worse they get. Because scared of losing it.
Gh- paranoia because of their hated status as mutants. Almost died out pre unification. Emp is the only reason they survive. Powerful but precarious.
Jf- real world history- existed prior to longitude using books. Passed through generations, but coded with lies that could kill- misdirection. Terrified of being redundant. Power and wealth vanished
RoP paranoia influenced writing?
Mb- not really. Chetta is scared of inquisitors, doesn’t trust that they have her view of nescesity. Scared that inq will act through strong belief that the mutation is too far and ‘burn them all’. Chetta threatended realises she can fight the PDF but nothing above them. Fears consequences, so wouldn’t.
Where did chetta characterisation come from?
Mb- dead great aunt. Sharp tongue. No suffering of fools.
Navi crucial mutants- hypocrisy?
Gh- navi might argue they’re not natural mutants. Some are wildly mutated, getting worse as they age.
Mb- the imp is pragmatic. Can we find a purpose for abhumans? We’ll use you. Emp said they were ok, so they’re ok.
Jf- resurrection- navi is a tree of flesh. Unrecognisable as human. Talks though psyber birds. Execptionalism, they have their own pocket empires. Enclosed communities where things work differently. Purposefully described as different shapes and ergonomics- no gothic stuff. Doesn’t quite fit.
Gh- law unto themselves. More powerful, bigger part of ship. Helbrecht has to ask permission to enter. Like an embassy.
Jf- love the idea of trade wars. Everyone else looks the other way.
That degree of separation, how is it represented in book?
Mb- brabantis have a palace, unconnected to the rest of the city. Defences olds the hnderhive. No fly zone. They rule their land, beholden to the governed only in theory. Across so many worlds. Not tied to anywhere really. Each palace is like a seasonal residence.
Jf- outposts like embassies. More powerful have them in the solar system or along key routes.
Mb- background suggests the big houses are on Terra just for status but that’s not their bases.
Navigators vis Ragnar. Family dynastic planning. Chosen via relative power.
Jf- all of that is true.
Mb- integral to rop. Bloodlines based on genetic compatibility because their power relies on them being able to function. Diversified bloodlines more important than most other concerns. Go to other houses as genetic parcels at houses they may be at war with before being returned to their own house. Houses can be married and still opposed to each other. Some go all in the new house, others basically trade children.
Jf- massive 40k contracts
Gh- all houses will do things differently accepting differing levels of mutation, different types of contract.
Jf- some houses might be self-loathing religious, a needed evil.
Gh- like marine chapters.
Jf- how horrific must it be for a genetic line to start failing. And then to be ruined losing the prestige of a bond to a chapter.
Gh- paternova changes, relative power changes. He’s been the same one since 1987.
Jf- most powerful person that can be trusted to interact with others.
Gh- least objectionable.
Jf- Richard III. You’re all dead!
We know the navi predate great night, no astronomicum.
Gh- Adress this in a forthcoming book,covering the blindness falling back on ancient tricks. No long jumps, but can use the currents.
Jf- old houses will handle this better
Mb- dark heresy books cover different houses and how they use different divination techniques.
Jf- still used old technogiesin the high age of technology. Things like sacrifice. Speculation. The first navigator was unusual.
Gh- navi is the only person allowed to look at the sea. Varying levels of power. The warp is in turmoil. How did humanity cope with the eldar fall?
Jf- lack of water and land drove relatively recent people to scary things at sea, chucking Jonahs overboard.
Have other psykers got a poor deal?
Gh- astropaths get their strength from soul bonding
Jf- power structures! Astropaths are politically powerful, but not as structured as the navi houses.
Mb- no astropath- no message. No navi- no travel. Lesser importance.
Jf- use vs function.
At Guy. How do the houses react to cawls work?
Gh- not yet focused on navigation. ATM using variety of techniques- use of multiple navigators working in concert in Imperium Nihilus. Sisters of silence calm the warp before ships. Cawl might use black stone, but his main aim is the rift- they’re not a problem that needs fixing.
Jf- they’re not that many ways of navigating the warp. Webway or navi.
Navi in conflict with the imp over replacement. Are they comfortable enough to act with aggression if challenged?
Gh- yes. The houses would ally.
Mb- wouldn’t be an open offensive. Ruin what they’re doing to prove their worth.
Jf- existed in the shadow for so long.
Mb- have the navis stopped previous attempts to explore this?
Jf- great houses will have done favours for the inq. Calling them back in.
Gh- navis invented as physical component of StC?
Jf- could they be made like marines? Have they done that? But kept it secret.
Stupid speculation- could navi but uplifted no marines?
All- no
Jf a lot of the genetic alterations aren’t just science. We know it is with primarchs, so echoed to marines. Take those together and it’s not going to walk.
Gh- maybe the Emp created navis? To help in the future.
Jf- he was there. Not ideal, but needed.
Jf- not yet confirmed as canon.
Mb- for readearvh I asked about genesteslers. What happens? Nothing good. No viable offspring.
Jf- who would a house on the brink of extinction go to?
Mb- navigators go everywhere. They’ve got a big picture of the imperium.
Jf- go to commaragh? Sequel idea.
Dark imperium is worse. Will navis stay isolated?
Gh- yes.
Jf- dark millennium makes everything *more* 40k. Not taking the rational response. Houses have been cut in half. Minor houses on the up?
Gh- darkness in the blood features houses refusing to sail.
Jf- need to find a balance.
Mb- but my book! Yay!
Siege of Terra: The Beginning of the End - John French, Guy Haley, Gav Thorpe et Neil Roberts
- Spoiler:
- Now the hh is ending, how does it feel looking back?
Gh- worry about mortgage! I’m glad it’s ending, because it will be awesome to look back on. It cements it’s position as a great work of fiction.
Nr- going to miss it. Rare opportunity. Privileged to have given him the career he’s got. Really happy but sad.
Gt- publish and be damned! May come back and fill in gaps. Odd to see the first wall as very probably his last contribution to the hh. Have we done everything we wanted to? Yes. The siege itself as a mini series is the best work anyone involved has done. Relief that it’s out there now. It’s time to move on. Where will the energy go?
Will there be anything like it again?
Jf- idk. A series like this gains its own momentum and life, takes over lives. Will there be anything like this again?
GT- any publisher wouldn’t do it.
Jf- it’s a conjunction of energy and engagement from fans
Gh- I think we will. But it’ll be accidental. 40k is so big.
Jf- I’m struggling to recall how long ago the first book was. I can’t remember what it was like before. This last bit has been the best way, I’m going to be sad to see it go. It’s like nothing else I’ve experienced
Gh- those meetings are amazing professionally. So cool
All laugh
Moving on to happier- it’s quite a journey. What was it like when you first saw nr art for the drive books?
Jf- amazing. How is he going to push it? He always manages it.
Gh- it’s not just the siege books. He’s a talented artist
Jf- I was so blown away by the solar war- how could it top it? Then the next one came out.
Gt- interesting choice, calling back to the massed ranks of the earlier books. It’s an archetypal HH cover. The art is part of the series as much as the words.
Nr- any product like this is a team effort. Everybody gives him such great toys to play with. Self feeding cycle. It’s a joy.
What does it feel like when you finish a cover?
Nr- I have tea and a biscuit. Once it’s finished there’s relief. And achievement, wanting to make people happy, trying to live up to the standards others have set. Feedback is usually over details. There’s always a sense of finality. It becomes quite mournful, but that’s what the setting is like. Strives for the ending of El Cid, like the Rogue Trader cover.
Things have changed from the plans. What would they have looked like?
Gt- 41 less books. It couldn’t have been planned the way it went. Arcs might have been tweaked. So many threads go into the siege and it couldn’t have been planned from the start. So much came from the meetings and the process; take things out and a lot of interesting things go. These books endcap what came before, making everything relevant hopefully, although every story doesn’t end. There’s so much to get in. It wouldn’t have happened if the process was too controlled. It couldn’t have stopped earlier once the momentum was gained and imaginations were captured. Planning is slicker towards the end.
Are there characters you’ve been wanting to return to?
Gh- dozens. It’s been hard choosing who.
Jf- you go out and find the relevant material, and parse it down. There have been characters who I’ve wanted to continue and those to end
Gt- one of the earliest things we did in the siege meetings was the death list. Who must die, who mustn’t, who do we want to kill? It’s been interesting creating the stepping stones to explain why people are how they are post HH. You’re writing to 2 levels, those who know what’s coming and those who don’t. What other jeopardy can you input?
Jf- who has emerged in the seiege is interesting seeing them pop up across arcs, feel sorry for him every book
Gh- when I write more mine I wanted to finish the painted counts arc. He’s the only one, but I didn’t have it in mind before I wrote it
Jf- no one should come out of the siege whole, even if they survive. Buts there’s a lot of death.
How would you write Horus rising differently?
Gt- joys of multi author series, editors have played to our strengths. Even the same story would be different. Characters would change. I might change some of my own books, but you can’t do that with others because they all set us off on different paths.
Gh- what happened in those books is what happened. Can’t be changed.
Jf- is much was built on so it can be changed
Gh- the organic growth can’t have order imposed on it without changing the feel
The Hh is a progressing narrative, but the seiege is very intertwined. What was writing it like?
Jf- it was a nightmare. Everyone is optimistic at the beginning but is soon saying how hard it is. There’s a lot of stuff to cover. Making it work as a stand alone. Picking things up to pass on, initiating things to be passed on. Getting all of that right just in terms of continuity I’d difficult. Then here’s the timings…
gt- it’s having to check who is can die.
Gh- the weight of anticipation. Not comparing to any other franchises, with unforgiving fandom. There’s a dazed post siege book look.
Jf- but it’s simultaneously amazing. The best writing experience I’ve ever had. Picking up characters is tough.
Gt- the converse is true, new characters are needed to add more viewpoints and convey the continent sized city of the palace
Jf- the palace in the hh is the size of Britain. It’s really difficult to put sigismund where he needs to be. 2 or 3 time zones across the palace. One small section of the wall is from notts to stoke.
Nr- you can write it, I’ve got to draw it. Nearly died drawing the lions gate
Gt- has read more about troposphere than any other city siege writer. The sense of scale is better appreciated.
Jf- a few thousand marines aren’t enough!
Gh- space sports aren’t flat planes of concrete; there’re like mountains
Gt- the joke is 1 book on solar system, 1 book on the moon and another on just one space port to bring the heavy reinforcements
Jf- the scale is interesting for story. You need to take space ports. They allow you to move stuff at an acceptable rate
Gt- the foothold the traitors need
Jf- the defenders hope relief arrives, so can’t destroy them, they’ll be needed
Gh- it’s quite interesting is what we were trying establish us how it would work as a military action. Take something cool and make it realistic.
Jf- pertarabos role; only he can keep this all together logisticaly.
Gt- all of ww2 in his head
The scale- how does nr get it across?
Nr- the expectation is greater. As a fan, he thought what he wanted to see. Putting something as epic as possible on paper. Looked at Ian miller’s buildings, John blanches stuff that went off the page- buildings too big for the eye to see. Sells the scale. His books are his homage to what he loved as a teen; not seen before but recognisable. Making everything as big as possible as the narrative gets grander. Cool buildings need pipes and landing pads. I try to include an element of logic to match what the writers include.
Audience. Nr- have you ever had anything rejected; authors- on the scale have you thought it can’t be too big, nr can sort it.
Nr- 2 or3 thumbnails submitted on the basis of the synopsis so there’s always rejection. But there are always other good ideas. More recently goes with gut instinct- more honest response to the brief and it works.
Gh- never thinks about the cover. Nr always awesome, blows you away w/ a different interpretation of what you’re writing about. It doesn’t cross my mind.
All commented on the difficulty- how do you cope?
Gh- drink
Jf- it’s about the process. Team camaraderie- emails to each other, get feedback because everyone is in the same zone
Gh- it’s a support group
Jf- having a broad plan/map helps
Gt- think of the points you’ve got to hit; there are so many that have got to be hit for other writers. Scrivener the programme. The first wall kind of has three strands written in isolation- it’s 3 40k word novels spliced together. This enabled me to add stuff as I went along without breaking others with the software
Gh- it’s a great tool
Jf- it’s a bit like climbing Everest, if you’ve already climbed mountains before.
Gt- cup of tea, walking the dog, change location etc. The siege books needed more of these. Waiting for replies from other writers leads to placeholder names being used.
The imperial palace has had so much work. Can we have a guidebook?
Jf- it’s be fractions. We have working maps for some zones, but they are broad areas. Massive bits uncovered. A new location needs a lot of work.
Gh- with the mapping, I took earlier maps and shrink it down. DA put so much work into this. He collated everything and checked others.
Gt- as soon as you render it down into a believable scale, it loses it, the spec Ed maps toe the line between being accurate and symbolic
Gh- thousands of levels!
Jf- the walls are snowden sized. From the wall, you see the horizon and it’s still the palace.
Will the scouring be written?
We don’t know.
Lots of planning has been done together. Have books been started before the previous finish?
Gt- parts of it. The planning, certainly. Every meeting adds layers for those writing the later books. No one is co-writing, it’s not the beast arises it’s more controlled
Gh- beast arises didn’t work; it was very difficult for us
Gt- you want as much from before done so you can use it.
Jf- plans can also work backwards- can this character be here for mine?
Gt- it’s passing 100 batons each time, but they don’t always pop up until the final draft. A hammer was cut to match the artwork
Valdor: Birth of the Imperium - Chris Wraight
- Spoiler:
- Begins with a reading, with Valdor being interviewed by the High Lord about the Thunder Warriors, talking about their structure and how they fought.
What’s the context behind the novel?
Cw- difficult won’t spoilers. Characters are custodians and other functionaries trying to establish what their origins are. It’s the end of unification. People are starting to doubt the truth of the wars, and wondering what the Imp could be. We’re there other voices suggesting it should be different.
You’ve written the ac a few times; Valdor is important. What was it like giving him more depths?
Cw- pops up, says something save and withdraw. Loves the character, as on the surface there is nowt to be interested in unlike Russ or Magnus. He’s a fighting machine, almost an extension of the Emperor will. What must that be like? Powerful fighter, but limited, unlike Primarch cannot rebel. He must have an awareness of what could have been. There is a contrast between Valdor and other elite who are contemptuous of his limitations. He’s child like god of war.
Where do you start building a narrative around these complex issues.
Cw- left field from usual Heresy. The custodians were there when the tw were destroyed and the primarchs and marines were created. How much do we know about what he did, was it defendabl? What can be done if he did bad? What did it tell us we didn’t already know.
Key theme growth of Imperium, we see control shifting away from traditional power?
Cw- Valdor is unknowable. Shift in power during book. Empire of citizens, or law or culture or will we be soldier?
What is unity about- more than survival, something better? Is it the first stages of something better? Why take so long to conquer earth? Why then? Valdor is always there. He doesn’t know why? Is there a deeper purpose to him?
Was your intent to pose qs but not answer?
Cw- yes. In HH unity is ancient history, it’s all fragmentary.no one really knows. It’s an imp built on forgetfulness.
Valdor as Gump?
Cw- we see nothing from his POV. We can I’d with primarchs as they have human failings, custodians don’t. We can’t relate. More Zelig than Gump. He’s doing more than we know he’s doing. He’s phenomenally dangerous. He’s not flamboyant like the primarchs. I’ve liked writing about the underestimated like the Khan,
2 meta blades. Is he as stunted because he has the Emperor spear giving him insight and borrowed depth.
Cw- emp made 2 weapons. Spear of Russ gives insight when wounding. Appoloian spear given to Valdor. Why? He’s the opposite of Russ. Opposite weapons- gives insight into the one it sounds. Valdor knows the full insight, does it hold him back or make him better. Valdor kills Daemon in the siege, learns Bout daemons. What is he being set up for? Make him stronger, urtail him or something else?
Thunder Legion lore?
Cw- put in myself. Tw primarchs are standard tws. The Emperor likes repeating things. This isn’t random. These are ritual cycles. The book makes suggestions, but makes nothing definite. What was the progression going to be?
We know this stuff, BL gives reasons, this book is an interpretation
We know how the HH ends. Is there more liberty in writing this?
Cw_ less continuity to consider, freedom to interpret but the intention was to put interpretation on existing lore rather than invent new stuff. New stuff; who were the first high lords? Why? What was the palace like? It’s fun to do that.
Did the SoT research inform this or vice versa?
Cw_ this was written before most of the heavy lifting of the siege, so the siege has influenced the siege if anything. Still 100s of years before the siege, so long before though most bar the custodians will have gone?
What was it like going back to a new religious status quo, knowledge about chaos being restricted?
Cw-The Great lie. Terra is recovering from hell on earth in great night. In the crusade this is looked back as distant, but it’s still in living memory. The Imperial Truth hasn’t kicked off yet, the planet is under rule but there isn’t the aithesim. The Emperor is having to repress magic. Faith is the tragedy of 40k, turning the Emperor into the thing he hates. In this book he hasn’t yet started stopping belief in ghosts.
Where would you like to see Valdor go?
CW- the siege books are in progress, he should play a big role. Awesome to see him fight hell have plenty of opportunities. It should remain a mystery beyond that. I love ambiguous characters. I hope as a team we show increasingly interning character of him, then the curtain falls.
Why not feature the Emperor?
CW- lots of answers. Always been wary want him inscrutable. Wary of Primarch POV scenes at start of HH. Once he starts to appear, his currency is weakened. As a writer, it’s Valdor s book didn’t want to pull focus. The Emperor is busy in this book too.
Comment on the standard edition artwork.
CW- it’s fantastic. I’m assuming it’s in the tower of hegemon. Imperium is still advanced, but they’re burning candles- living in a rational age but look like gods in a cathedral. But they inflict terror. That’s scary. The fundamental hypocrisy in the Imperium is manifested here- not built for a world of science.
40k custodians vs the ones we see here?
CW- exactly the same in some ways. Training fighting the same, key difference is that old custodians had a communion with the Emperor. Take him out, as they are so linked, they really miss that connection. In 40k they spend years finding out what he wants to do, they are incapable of acting on their own. Some are more independent. Strong, but weak. Astartes don’t worry about that, they just want to kill. They’re bereft and have lost their confidence. It’s tragic and in character to have them just going through the motions.
Relationship of Valdor with the Emperor? Malcador?
CW- lots of the HH is family drama. Valdor is the older really good child,non prodigal son left out in the cold. Familial connection between Emperor and primarchs, the custodians are just his weapons. Is their devotion there because he doesn’t have it for them? The primarchs need to be the stars of the HH. Valdor is incapable of jealousy, but what has seeing the Primarch balls everything up done to him?
Are the 40k custodians dimished?
Cw- not physically. They’ve been through so much. They have to be tougher, 10000 years of fighting. Maybe spiritually, crippled by self doubt and grief over their lost role. Only with guilliamans return do they have a role.
Are there types of stories that you’d like to tell in 40k?
CW- yes. I struggled with the idea that they were back, the idea of them being stuck on Terra was great. Fan now. Now they’re out, it’s tricky. I’d be interested to see what happens, I’d like them to still be centred on Terra, only reason to leave the palace to protect it. The fluid organisation is interesting. Too big to be spies? I love the idea of them being foiled by a low spaceship door. Nk and HH have done interesting stuff.
Would you ever want to explore their creation?
CW- it’s a tricky line to draw. Cool to explore or best left? Personally, no.i like mystery. The extent of the Emperor involvement shouldn’t be seen. It’s different to Astartes creation. Valdor makes allusions to a truth
Rendez vous demain pour de vraies news avec le séminaire "Coming Soon" en milieu d'après midi. Je posterai des photos si j'arrive à en avoir des bonnes et puis il y aura une récapitulatif sur le Warhammer Community.
Nico. Admin - Messages : 10485
Age : 34
Re: [The Black Library Weekender 2019] - Centralisation des news
Merci Nico, encore une fois ! Vraiment cool ces sorties pour la garde : Croisade des Mondes de Sabbat et Urdesh, que je n'attendais plus. Des bonnes sorties pour Aos avec ce bouquin Idoneth que j'avais envie de découvrir et ce livre avec Dante!
Solaris Space Marine - Messages : 495
Localisation : Bretagne
Re: [The Black Library Weekender 2019] - Centralisation des news
Coming Soon From Black Library
Et la suite des notes de séminaires:
Darkness in the Blood - Guy Haley et Darius Hinks
The Sabbat Worlds Crusade - Dan Abnett et Rachel Harrison
Je posterai les images HD et d'autres news quand il y aura un rapport sur le site Warhammer Community. Un gros merci à mon envoyé sur place pour les photos de plutôt bonne qualité !
Le tout en HD ici:
- Spoiler:
Et la suite des notes de séminaires:
Darkness in the Blood - Guy Haley et Darius Hinks
- Spoiler:
- GH- the book is the next in his series, continuing the story of Dante brining us further into nihilus. Two hander between mephiston (who he sees as HD’s character) and Dante. Extract from chapter 9. Gathering resources to launch his own crusade into Imperium nihilus. Dante talking to a haunted fleet commander. Use of the phrase ‘warp Xenos’ for daemons. Dante looks old AF.
Dh- mephiston has gone to the prospero system as part of the Psychic Awakening. Things have gone wrong- split himself into three- spiritual, physical and bestial. The extract is from the bestial, towards the end of the book. The bestial aspect is showing the dark nature of the BA. He’s fighting a dragon/Daemon. Mephiston in his bestial form struggles to relate to his past.
Cutting edge of BA fiction after deva of Baal. How do they deal?
Gh- book is concerned w Dante’s next move, rebuilding with Primaris and what’s happening to Baal.the Dante bits are him trying to prepare; Baal has become the de facto nihilus capital. Folk are coming from all over, not really knowing his role, but looking for safety. It’s the new 40k universe.
Dh- the narrative moving forwards is new. It’s great working with gh as the books were written side by side, first time doing that. It’s cool to be at the core of the 40k narrative.
How collaborative?
Dh- it’s good seeing same events through different perspectives. ESP crossing the rubicon.
Gh- nice to continue the siege ethos in a shared universe, pinging ideas. BL authors aren’t precious, want things linking up. Co-wrote a story for fun non BL in the past, and this was like that.
Dh- it’s more enjoyable in this way.
Q for dh, third in series. How did you make it stand alone?
Dh- always write as self contained as possible, but it does conclude lots of threads. More rubicon confirmation. The psychic awakening segues nicely with existing plans.
How is Dante finding things?
Gh- ideal ruler because he doesn’t want it. Young Dante physical imposing, but now he’s old af. Marines are functionally immortals, but the geneseed has the degraded, to my mind lifespan is shorter now. Dante is really old, even for a crusade era Marine. Dealing with the flaw is degrading, so is fighting the swarmlord. He’s exchauseted, but keeps holding on through his devotion. Giving a Marine frailties is interesting, his legend has outgrown him, which is why he keeps the mask on. Has power, but is frail. Is interesting leads to character.
Dh- chink in armour is interesting,
Gh- marines are post human, the way to write them effectively is to look for the humanity within.
Dh the internal battles are most interesting
Gh ultimately they all die in battle, it’s their fate
Dh afraid of failure.
How write powerful mephiston?
Dh- internal battle again, he’s a self made pariah. He’s not trusted by many, his great deed isn’t respected. How can he achieve what he needs without trust
Gh he frighten other marines. He’s so powerful. Got to be careful not to go overboard. Dh writes them ritualistically and that’s a good way of defining them.
Dh- he knows he’s a danger if he goes bad.
Gh- we see the consequences of mephiston losing it.
How do you write challenges for him?
Dh- his mind functions on Sao many levels. The threat can be escalated- Magnus!
Gh- faces down serious baddies. Internal problems contrast his external strength. He needs to be removed from stories at time to help the story, that’s why he was under a mountain in Devastation of Baal.
Dh- existential crisis, reborn twice.
Gh- new title added
Frailties are interesting. Dante crossing the rubicon, how would he be different?
Gh- if it did happen, you’d need to find another challenge for him.
Dh- it’s a big surgery. Mephiston does it because he has to. Dante is too important to risk, perhaps.
Rubicon confirmed.
Gh- mephiston crossing is complex. He has to after going off the rails. It has a big consequence, but it’s secret now. Ba are a spiritual chapter, warp touched not just because of saguinius death. Dh has done good stuff with the librarians. The physical change is really incidental.
Dh- it’s a change for the whole chapter, not just mephiston
Gh- both make spiritual journies in gh s books. Want to explore them and the warp in future books.
Dante is commander of Imperium nihilus- parallels with imp segundus?
Gh- kind of. It’s a mythic setting, they spiral and echo. A bit Hindu, faded mythology. Guillman is unnatural attached to Ultramar, he’s too focused on it and easily distracted. Sanguuinius was meant to lead mankind, the heir apparent. Dante in the same way is a lesser reflection of sangunius.
Psychic awakening. How closely working with the studio for consistency?
Gh- now we work very closely. To make sure it works, influence goes both ways. Had to fit the events of the book around studio plans,make some of the timing tricky. The psychic awakening is only just beginning, I’ve got other stories connected. All parts of the companies need to work together for extra realism. BL fiction is the universe.
Dh- everyone wants a unified ip. Studio writers check with BL.
Gh- notes go each way. When I took them on, the ba books weren’t as tied in, but long enough ago. The fortress monestary had no name. Loads of detail didn’t exist. It’s cool seeing my names in a codex.
Dh- there are loads of threads between our books. It’s really exciting working for BL now. It’s learnt from the HH.
Gh- I’ve tried to reach out. I know the right people to talk to. It’s working really well.
Dante is getting older. Will we see him younger again?
Gh- yes. The books juxtapose current and old 40k, when I write Dante, it hadn’t happened yet. Devastation of Baal was too complex to reinclude flashbacks. In this, there are flashbacks.
Gh- no. He’s been set up for someone else.
Ba relationship with Primaris?
Gh- can’t answer. Spoilers from this and another book I’ve been working on.
How have you dealt with the temporal shift?
Gh- timey wimey. The arrival of guilliman is a good way of showing how wonky it is, this book stays pretty close to Baal.
Dh- it happens with the warp anyway.
Dante getting old and slow and in an office. Stepping down as chapter master?
Gh- realistically, he should. The studio would have to lead that. Miniatures team esp. who knows.
Progression of timeline leads to new stories. Any problems?
Gh- always in 40k. Why not nuke the site from orbit? New models provide story hooks. Mundane logistics transform stories. Upcoming stuff touches on the roll out of Primaris. Great work came through lore hiccup, wolfsbane written using draft of am codex. Final draft had His oldness when working with the Emperor led to new stories being needed.
The Fleshtearsrs?
Gh- they’re are there. The Devastation of Baal devastated the chapters of the blood, but they’ve all been reconstituted even those destroyed.
What’s happening with the angels vermillion?
Gh- it’s in a collectors edition, redeemed in Devastation of Baal.
Closing statements
Dante feels wary of mephiston though they’re distant wired friends. They’re colleagues. Dante has a better understanding of why he’s how he is.
Dante is a valued and rare ally as he understands his burden. One of the few mephiston trusts. The ba higher echelon are oddly independent
The Sabbat Worlds Crusade - Dan Abnett et Rachel Harrison
- Spoiler:
- Overview behind the creation of the book, why do it again.
What is it?
Da- there will be spoilers! Up until and including Anarch. It’s a companion guide to the novels in the crusade. It was done first in the early days of BL. Thrown together, odd but beloved book. It’s a thoroughly revised and expanded version x2 more text, 70,000 words. Mainly new art. Written in universe. Historian on urdesh. Draws on older work. The history of novels and before.
Rh- da did the words. BL revised it because it’s so rich and detailed. Demand from fans for years. Wanted to revisit and revise, fill with lovely new art, do what the old book couldn’t. The map is beautiful. Represent the crusade in detail. A cohesive passion project.
Da- opportunity for something new. Like writing a codex. What made it enjoyable was rh engagement and passion, she made suggestions that generated so many ideas. It’s unusual to work so closely with illustrations. Rough drafts, esp of appearances of people was amusing. Technical conversation of how to translate words into images.
It blew the editors mind when they saw the final version. So real and vibrant.
Da- BL have done some great background books, this one completely commits but not on the cheap this time. Got bolder as we went. Two rounds of writing, core text, then captions. Had to justify why an imp historian would have pictures of the blood pact. Opportunity to address the few continuity problems. Named planets having been repeated across BL. Explanation of why this is, makes the messy more believable.
What were the stylistic influences?
Rh- the aesthetic of 40k is historical, lots is 18/19th century, military age of sail. Representing sector, but made by hand. Spaceships lit by candles, lots of internal art is v painterly. Depends on type of art.
Da- seeing the artwork determined the type of caption, if a painting, would be captioned as so, if captured footage etc. I looked at other history books to mimic the style. It was fun.
Rh- in world curation.
How did you pick what to include-
Da- we could have done lots. We had the basic structure of the first, notable incidents and personalities. In the first book, the ghosts were unsung and minor. With this, they get a more prominent role to suit their new status in the crusade. We look at the regiment through history, and deal with missing bits to fill in warp gaps, new ideas had to fill these gaps, this invention could be developed in future stories, ghosts or other Sabbat books.
Rh- 15-18 artists working simultaneously, tricky to be consistent, 90 new individual pieces. Forgeworld helped.
Da- the map artist is fantastic, does the siege maps, amazing balance between symbolic information and what needs to be there. Still uses the old map when writing a new book. The new map is the best BL artefact ever.
Pictures start appearing. Character vignettes.
Da- seeing them is new. The whole book could have been the regiment. Feel bad about leaving some out, but tried to illustrate key stages of the regiments career. It’s hard knowing how to choose, it’s all vivid, everyone has favourites. Lots of stages to convey the image, tough titties if you don’t agree with how they look. Covers have been cast vaguely like a film, hybrids of actors. Good shorthand. Some ghosts have been cast in my head, with multiples through time, gaunt has been many actors, most recently Tim oliphant, originally, visnic from er. Not serous casting suggestions, but placeholders. Repeated this, and transmitted this non literally to artists. Some were easy, some less- varl has always been Kevin bacon. Lots were surprises.
Rh- don’t tell the artist about the actor, but describe their deamoenor and characteristics so it isn’t just a likeness, it’s a good springboard.
Da- Baskerville was an obvious inclusion, but I’ve never thought of him. Good looking, dark haired. Good character, but no visual. The artist got it, somehow.
Screen shows bragg.
Rh- variation in uniform varies on intake. Pacha and Larkin have same colours, different cut etc.
Da- the tanith uniform is most described. Physically different from the varghast, look like same regiment, but different homeworld. Belladon career soldiers, more aristocratic cut, tailored trousers unlike tanith combat. Some go native. Most units have multiple uniforms, the belladon wear their dress uniform more often. Bragg was younger than you think, the picture is the start of the campaign, deliberate reflection of passage of time, but he’s the only smiling one too.he stands out from the solemn pictures.
Real camaraderie is presented.
Da- gratified that it’s noticed. Keeps me writing, the development of their relationships. In the early years, read lots of memoirs, looking for the mundanity and extremes. Big military readership. Share story event ideas. Getting it across in pictures is no mean feat.
The medics on screen.
Rh- more flexibility as not line infantry. Good realisation of character, with distinct personality. Diligent details.
Da- when captioned, it’s like an osprey book- not about the character. Just happens to be someone the reader knows.
Rh- we had one eye on modellers.
Da- medics existed before I termed the medicae, but I like being able to show what they look like.
Regiments of reknown- dragoons, deepens
Rh- we wanted to produce a vignette typifying the mood and equipment of the regiment. Uniform, weapons, crests. Went to thorseby hall to see real stuff.
Da- each guest regiment is an archetype. The illustrations have to show this, it’s up to and including the crest to show what they’re like. The decoration medals were included for different things rather than one single campaign badge.
Rh- instal design has many variations.
Da- valour, vs service pins etc. So we could include more examples.
Rh- designing them was a challenge, the flower is the saints holy flower being included gives historical context.
Da- the book is overthunk
Blood pact images
Rh- Sons of sea too. Similar approach taken. Ritual blades are the key wargear. Captures how the factions differ.
Da- the archenemy forces have been delved into more history than before, I surprised myself with how the tribes worked, shows more complexity. Will divergent cults be important in future books ? 2-3 years time when a ghosts book comes out will people look back. Brainstorming on the page.
Rh- morlond. We see the map evolving from dans map to the artists. The artist was super diligent in translating the sketch. All about detail. It defines an important location in more detail than before.
Da- the vervunhive map helped me write the book. But some. Stories are important, but are never visited. In the pseudo history, this is an important world, so we wanted to illustrate it, id like to go there at some vague point, so I put the environment in I might like to write a story in. Gap filling, and speculation, may have huge relevance. May have none,.
Crusade map.
Rh- incredible indertak8ng. It’s huge, 100s of names. Exciting. Looked at old maps of crusade, included some. A key change is the box outs of key locations,
Da- the inclusion was based on in universe reasons
Rh- old fashioned art chosen to 7nifty the map with the aesthetic of the book. Commission by the urdeshi so should be expensive. Everything was checked and cross-referenced. Astronomy is an influence.
Portraits of heroes
Da- not just getting a likeness, they are posed formal things to record events. Celebrating triumphs. 40k artwork would do this, napoleon is aesthetic, rich uniforms. Captions explain why it was painted. Appearance considered, but also how the artist would interpret this. Macaroth would be painted to be at his absolute best, an extra layer of artifice.
Rh- how do you justify including chaos? Treated as captured art, or painted by witnesses and sequester by inq. The brush strokes are looser to show fear, and how the artist feels.
Da- the captions convey this, captured artists under duress, similar style but not best. Painted after dream, shot by inq. The originals don’t exist in universe, tend to be longer captions.
Commemorative paintings
Rh- mainly narrative lead whole or double page spreads, usually propaganda so not literal or accurately reflecting what’s in a novel.
Da- again, napoleonic influence, symbolic content. Making things more impressive. When painting was the main news media, it’s a symbolic shorthand, pushed the idea even further, using incorrect historical facts. Wall sized canvases, or murals.
Rh- basically I got to commission classical paintings, the artists had so much freedom.
Spoilers for Anarch.
Da- incorrect and symbolic representation of the climax of Anarch, playing up the fake real world propaganda. The paining if is analysed across several pages, looking at the symbolism and changes that were made. Makes it feel authentic.
Rh- lots of fun, the symbolism of the positioning etc. Chaos shown as physically weaker. The lighting is intentionally inconsistent!
Da- the right classical references, the raft of the medusa, etc.
Je posterai les images HD et d'autres news quand il y aura un rapport sur le site Warhammer Community. Un gros merci à mon envoyé sur place pour les photos de plutôt bonne qualité !
Le tout en HD ici:
Nico. Admin - Messages : 10485
Age : 34
Re: [The Black Library Weekender 2019] - Centralisation des news
Merci Nico pour ces retours sur ce Black Library Weekender, quelques news intéressantes mais j'avoue que je reste un peu sur ma faim moi aussi. A part les bouquins sur le Siège de Terra, il n'y a que la suite de la trilogie sur Fabius par Reynolds et celle sur les Gardiens du Trône par Wraight qui m'intéressent vraiment pour l'instant. Assez surpris par contre et dans le bon sens du terme pour le coup que Wraight sortent tant de livres en ce moment, que cela soit avec son livre sur le Siège qui va venir, ses deux séries Les Archives Interdites et Gardiens du Trône et son livre sur Valdor à venir aussi, il ne chôme pas
Assez surpris enfin qu'Abnett soit annoncé pour le cinquième livre du Siège de Terra, je pensais qu'ils lui auraient laissé le plaisir d'écrire le dernier livre mais il n'est pas exclu qu'il en écrive deux, à voir...
Assez surpris enfin qu'Abnett soit annoncé pour le cinquième livre du Siège de Terra, je pensais qu'ils lui auraient laissé le plaisir d'écrire le dernier livre mais il n'est pas exclu qu'il en écrive deux, à voir...
Argel Tal Space Marine - Messages : 439
Age : 25
Localisation : Paris
Re: [The Black Library Weekender 2019] - Centralisation des news
J'avoue que j'ai été surpris par l'absence quasi totale d'infos la première journée. Ils gardent tout pour le tout dernier séminaire, sans même balancer ne serait-ce quelques news au compte-goutte durant l'événement, c'est vraiment particulier... Obligé de tirer les vers du nez aux auteurs, qui ensuite se font parfois contredire par le staff ; quelle organisation bordélique sérieux.
Les rapports de logan sur les séminaires sont intéressants, même si on y retrouve la langue de bois habituelle pour certains sujets. Deux choses qui m'ont fait marrer quand même : on les sent bien agacés par Amazon qui dévoile leurs parutions 10 mois en avance ^^ J'espère qu'ils ne réussiront jamais à empêcher ça d'ailleurs.
Et le mec (pas retenu l'auteur) qui reconnait que la série The Beast arises a été gérée n'importe comment en termes d'écriture collective et de continuité. Priceless !
Oui j'aime tout ce qui vient gratter le vernis faussement cool et gripper la com sur-contrôlée de GW.
Autrement c'était quand même pas ouf niveau annonces. Je suis quand même curieux de voir ce que va donner la nouvelle série de "polars" 40K avec de l'Arbites & cie. Même si bon, ils ont mis Wraight sur le premier... Le gars est meilleur pour les récits SM je trouve.
Pour Penitent, si on l'a dans un an ça sera déjà bien à mon avis. Plus probable pour 2021 même, vu comment ils ont été frileux sur le sujet dans le Q&A. Avec Abnett qui doit boucler un tome du Siège entre temps, ils doivent pas être confiants sur les délais.
Argel Tal a écrit:
Assez surpris enfin qu'Abnett soit annoncé pour le cinquième livre du Siège de Terra, je pensais qu'ils lui auraient laissé le plaisir d'écrire le dernier livre mais il n'est pas exclu qu'il en écrive deux, à voir...
Normalement c'est prévu qu'il en écrive deux oui. Probablement le dernier aussi, ça serait logique.
+1 pour le suivi Nico
Emperor Maître de Guerre - Messages : 4754
Re: [The Black Library Weekender 2019] - Centralisation des news
on les sent bien agacés par Amazon qui dévoile leurs parutions 10 mois en avance ^^ J'espère qu'ils ne réussiront jamais à empêcher ça d'ailleurs.
Oui j'ai vu ça aussi et j'ai bien rigolé, je sais que mon travail de recherche de news et de partage sur twitter les agace bien, je dévoile des livres des mois avant qu'ils ne commencent à les teaser. Mais ils disent que de toute façon Amazon est plus fort ils n'y peuvent rien, cela ne les dérange pas trop quand ils ont encore les hardback à sortir avant les trade parperback vus sur amazon, cela leur laisse une marge de "news" sur la date de sortie. Par contre ils disent clairement que ça les emmerde à propos des livres qui sortent directement en trade paperback vu que la date amazon correspond à la sortie BL, ils disent explicitement qu'ils veulent bosser là dessus pour l'empêcher. Ce sont vraiment des cons, ils veulent réduire le travail de fans comme moi juste pour garder leur stratégie de communication/marketing à la con consistante à dévoiler les livres le plus tard possible pour inciter les gens à l'achat par "effet de surprise" de la sortie et surtout sans qu'ils puissent prévoir un budget vu qu'ils ne savent pas ce qui arrivera ensuite. Mais le Nico veille, je chercherai toujours à trouver les livres et cover des mois avant leur annonce. Le jour où je ne pourrai plus le faire, je serai très mécontent et cela me coupera toute motivation pour continuer mon boulot sur twitter/forum. Déjà qu'ils ont réduit leur coming soon cette année...
Sinon, la version limitée de Mark of Faith était dispo au Weekender, les gens se sont rués dessus pour lire le livre pensant que c'était une version limitée en avance, des mois avant la version normale comme ils font généralement. Sauf que APRES le Weekender ils ont annoncé que la version limitée ET normale sortiront ... samedi prochain. Ils ne pouvaient pas avoir des stocks de la version normale pour le Weekender ? Ou l'annoncer dans leur coming soon ou sur le community ? Pourquoi attendre la fin du Weekender ? Tout simplement pour que les gens paient une version limitée à 55 € sans savoir qu'une semaine plus tard le même livre en version normale sera disponible à 22 €...
Et le mec (pas retenu l'auteur) qui reconnait que la série The Beast arises a été gérée n'importe comment en termes d'écriture collective et de continuité. Priceless !
Il me semble que c'est Guy Haley qui reconnait que cette série n'a pas fonctionné parce que les auteurs ne se sont pas vraiment concertés ce qui a donné des tas de tomes et intrigues inutiles. C'est très rare en effet que la BL reconnaisse un échec.
Autrement c'était quand même pas ouf niveau annonces
C'était très nul oui, suffit de voir que là le weekender est terminé et je n'ai posté que sur la première page de ce topic. Je me souviens qu'en 2014 quand j'ai fait deux event, j'avais des news sur plusieurs pages avant de rentrer faire un gros rapport compilant tout. Ici y'a rien, même le "coming" soon est un peu ridicule, la plupart des livres étaient déjà dans leur coming soon sur le site community, soit déjà trouvés par moi, soit ce sont des compilations/anthologie/sorties de vieux trucs.
Assez surpris enfin qu'Abnett soit annoncé pour le cinquième livre du Siège de Terra, je pensais qu'ils lui auraient laissé le plaisir d'écrire le dernier livre mais il n'est pas exclu qu'il en écrive deux, à voir...
C'est le tome 4 et non 5 et normalement oui il devrait en écrire deux, je suppose qu'il aura le dernier tome, cela serait la moindre des choses vu qu'il a lancé la série.
Nico. Admin - Messages : 10485
Age : 34
Re: [The Black Library Weekender 2019] - Centralisation des news
Effectivement peut mieux faire.^^
L'interview de Rachel Harrison à propos de Mark of Faith est sympathique mais légèrement décevante. Surtout que j'attends la sortie du roman en VF avec impatience. Pas encore lu le reste.
Au niveau des News c'est vrai que tu avais déjà tout trouvé Nico comme d'habitude donc bon.
Le roman "the last chancers" est une suite à la trilogie c'est bien cela? Pourtant pour mon plus grand regret les légions pénales ne sont même plus mentionnées dans les derniers codex de la garde. J'espère d'ailleurs une refonte de cette unité, une nouvelle incorporation et une traduction en VF de la première trilogie.
@Mark of Faith: ce n'est pas très honnête tout sa effectivement.
@Abnett: Son "interceptor city" s'est devenu un running gag pour moi. Combien d'années j'entends "il arrive". Sinon hâte de voir "penitent."
Pour l'HH qu'Abnett conclue la série ça rassure pas tellement. Vus que l'auteur à quand même pas mal de roman avec des fins disons douteuse ou Rush. Malgré la très bonne qualité globale de ces romans.
Beaucoup de bouquin horror, voire trop à mon gout. À voir ce que ceux-ci donnent.
Pour finir petit râlement inutile, pas d'annonce de bouquin WHB, d'ailleurs c'est très pauvre en AOS aussi tout sa.
Merci pour ton travail Nico et celui de ton envoyé. +1
L'interview de Rachel Harrison à propos de Mark of Faith est sympathique mais légèrement décevante. Surtout que j'attends la sortie du roman en VF avec impatience. Pas encore lu le reste.
Au niveau des News c'est vrai que tu avais déjà tout trouvé Nico comme d'habitude donc bon.
Le roman "the last chancers" est une suite à la trilogie c'est bien cela? Pourtant pour mon plus grand regret les légions pénales ne sont même plus mentionnées dans les derniers codex de la garde. J'espère d'ailleurs une refonte de cette unité, une nouvelle incorporation et une traduction en VF de la première trilogie.
@Mark of Faith: ce n'est pas très honnête tout sa effectivement.
@Abnett: Son "interceptor city" s'est devenu un running gag pour moi. Combien d'années j'entends "il arrive". Sinon hâte de voir "penitent."
Pour l'HH qu'Abnett conclue la série ça rassure pas tellement. Vus que l'auteur à quand même pas mal de roman avec des fins disons douteuse ou Rush. Malgré la très bonne qualité globale de ces romans.
Beaucoup de bouquin horror, voire trop à mon gout. À voir ce que ceux-ci donnent.
Pour finir petit râlement inutile, pas d'annonce de bouquin WHB, d'ailleurs c'est très pauvre en AOS aussi tout sa.
Merci pour ton travail Nico et celui de ton envoyé. +1
Rhydysann Premier Capitaine - Messages : 1997
Age : 25
Localisation : Paris
Re: [The Black Library Weekender 2019] - Centralisation des news
Ce sont vraiment des cons, ils veulent réduire le travail de fans comme moi juste pour garder leur stratégie de communication/marketing à la con
Ils sont devenus encore plus psychorigides qu'avant depuis qu'ils ont lancé leur page Community.
Et qu'ils gâchent des ressources humaines pour essayer de faire changer les choses chez Amazon pour quelque chose d'aussi trivial en dit long sur la culture d'entreprise qu'il y a derrière...
C'est très rare en effet que la BL reconnaisse un échec.
A mon avis c'est une dérive de l'auteur, qui a dû se faire tirer les bretelles depuis car je doute que la BL autorise ce genre de commentaires en public. J'aurais vraiment aimé être dans la salle à ce moment là pour les voir tiquer.
Pour l'HH qu'Abnett conclue la série ça rassure pas tellement. Vus que l'auteur à quand même pas mal de roman avec des fins disons douteuse ou Rush. Malgré la très bonne qualité globale de ces romans.
Bwah si c'est pour se taper plusieurs centaines de pages de qualité pour quelques dizaines de rushées, je signe tout de suite ^^ Non je suis content qu'Abnett revienne pour une doublette sur le Siège. Je l'idéalise peut-être mais c'est l'un des rares à continuer de me faire rêver dans ses écrits. La plupart des autres sont tout au plus divertissants, mais lui a une vraie patine littéraire et fluff.
En plus le titre de son prochain livre laisse présager de bonne choses.
Emperor Maître de Guerre - Messages : 4754
Re: [The Black Library Weekender 2019] - Centralisation des news
Salut Nico, merci pour le suivi, pas folichon ce weekender je suis d'accord...
Moi ce qui m'intéresse le plus pour le coup c'est ça :
Franchement ça fait très plaisir, et ce bouqin va être génial, surtout par rapport à l'ancien qui était pourtant déjà bien à l'époque (voir ici : https://wh40k-fr.lexicanum.com/wiki/La_Croisade_des_Mondes_de_Sabbat_(Livre_de_background) )
Il y à un très chouette article avec interview de Dan Abnett (en français) dans le dernier White Dwarf et on peut y voir de magnifiques illustrations qui seront dans le bouquin, ça va être carrément une encyclopédie le truc !
Savons-nous déjà si :
- future édition limitée ?
- VF probable ou pas ?
- date approximative...?
J'aimerais vraiement pas le louper, quitte à me le prendre en anglais !
Moi ce qui m'intéresse le plus pour le coup c'est ça :
Nico. a écrit:
The Sabbat Worlds Crusade - Dan Abnett et Rachel Harrison
- Spoiler:
Overview behind the creation of the book, why do it again.
What is it?
Da- there will be spoilers! Up until and including Anarch. It’s a companion guide to the novels in the crusade. It was done first in the early days of BL. Thrown together, odd but beloved book. It’s a thoroughly revised and expanded version x2 more text, 70,000 words. Mainly new art. Written in universe. Historian on urdesh. Draws on older work. The history of novels and before.
Rh- da did the words. BL revised it because it’s so rich and detailed. Demand from fans for years. Wanted to revisit and revise, fill with lovely new art, do what the old book couldn’t. The map is beautiful. Represent the crusade in detail. A cohesive passion project.
Da- opportunity for something new. Like writing a codex. What made it enjoyable was rh engagement and passion, she made suggestions that generated so many ideas. It’s unusual to work so closely with illustrations. Rough drafts, esp of appearances of people was amusing. Technical conversation of how to translate words into images.
It blew the editors mind when they saw the final version. So real and vibrant.
Da- BL have done some great background books, this one completely commits but not on the cheap this time. Got bolder as we went. Two rounds of writing, core text, then captions. Had to justify why an imp historian would have pictures of the blood pact. Opportunity to address the few continuity problems. Named planets having been repeated across BL. Explanation of why this is, makes the messy more believable.
What were the stylistic influences?
Rh- the aesthetic of 40k is historical, lots is 18/19th century, military age of sail. Representing sector, but made by hand. Spaceships lit by candles, lots of internal art is v painterly. Depends on type of art.
Da- seeing the artwork determined the type of caption, if a painting, would be captioned as so, if captured footage etc. I looked at other history books to mimic the style. It was fun.
Rh- in world curation.
How did you pick what to include-
Da- we could have done lots. We had the basic structure of the first, notable incidents and personalities. In the first book, the ghosts were unsung and minor. With this, they get a more prominent role to suit their new status in the crusade. We look at the regiment through history, and deal with missing bits to fill in warp gaps, new ideas had to fill these gaps, this invention could be developed in future stories, ghosts or other Sabbat books.
Rh- 15-18 artists working simultaneously, tricky to be consistent, 90 new individual pieces. Forgeworld helped.
Da- the map artist is fantastic, does the siege maps, amazing balance between symbolic information and what needs to be there. Still uses the old map when writing a new book. The new map is the best BL artefact ever.
Pictures start appearing. Character vignettes.
Da- seeing them is new. The whole book could have been the regiment. Feel bad about leaving some out, but tried to illustrate key stages of the regiments career. It’s hard knowing how to choose, it’s all vivid, everyone has favourites. Lots of stages to convey the image, tough titties if you don’t agree with how they look. Covers have been cast vaguely like a film, hybrids of actors. Good shorthand. Some ghosts have been cast in my head, with multiples through time, gaunt has been many actors, most recently Tim oliphant, originally, visnic from er. Not serous casting suggestions, but placeholders. Repeated this, and transmitted this non literally to artists. Some were easy, some less- varl has always been Kevin bacon. Lots were surprises.
Rh- don’t tell the artist about the actor, but describe their deamoenor and characteristics so it isn’t just a likeness, it’s a good springboard.
Da- Baskerville was an obvious inclusion, but I’ve never thought of him. Good looking, dark haired. Good character, but no visual. The artist got it, somehow.
Screen shows bragg.
Rh- variation in uniform varies on intake. Pacha and Larkin have same colours, different cut etc.
Da- the tanith uniform is most described. Physically different from the varghast, look like same regiment, but different homeworld. Belladon career soldiers, more aristocratic cut, tailored trousers unlike tanith combat. Some go native. Most units have multiple uniforms, the belladon wear their dress uniform more often. Bragg was younger than you think, the picture is the start of the campaign, deliberate reflection of passage of time, but he’s the only smiling one too.he stands out from the solemn pictures.
Real camaraderie is presented.
Da- gratified that it’s noticed. Keeps me writing, the development of their relationships. In the early years, read lots of memoirs, looking for the mundanity and extremes. Big military readership. Share story event ideas. Getting it across in pictures is no mean feat.
The medics on screen.
Rh- more flexibility as not line infantry. Good realisation of character, with distinct personality. Diligent details.
Da- when captioned, it’s like an osprey book- not about the character. Just happens to be someone the reader knows.
Rh- we had one eye on modellers.
Da- medics existed before I termed the medicae, but I like being able to show what they look like.
Regiments of reknown- dragoons, deepens
Rh- we wanted to produce a vignette typifying the mood and equipment of the regiment. Uniform, weapons, crests. Went to thorseby hall to see real stuff.
Da- each guest regiment is an archetype. The illustrations have to show this, it’s up to and including the crest to show what they’re like. The decoration medals were included for different things rather than one single campaign badge.
Rh- instal design has many variations.
Da- valour, vs service pins etc. So we could include more examples.
Rh- designing them was a challenge, the flower is the saints holy flower being included gives historical context.
Da- the book is overthunk
Blood pact images
Rh- Sons of sea too. Similar approach taken. Ritual blades are the key wargear. Captures how the factions differ.
Da- the archenemy forces have been delved into more history than before, I surprised myself with how the tribes worked, shows more complexity. Will divergent cults be important in future books ? 2-3 years time when a ghosts book comes out will people look back. Brainstorming on the page.
Rh- morlond. We see the map evolving from dans map to the artists. The artist was super diligent in translating the sketch. All about detail. It defines an important location in more detail than before.
Da- the vervunhive map helped me write the book. But some. Stories are important, but are never visited. In the pseudo history, this is an important world, so we wanted to illustrate it, id like to go there at some vague point, so I put the environment in I might like to write a story in. Gap filling, and speculation, may have huge relevance. May have none,.
Crusade map.
Rh- incredible indertak8ng. It’s huge, 100s of names. Exciting. Looked at old maps of crusade, included some. A key change is the box outs of key locations,
Da- the inclusion was based on in universe reasons
Rh- old fashioned art chosen to 7nifty the map with the aesthetic of the book. Commission by the urdeshi so should be expensive. Everything was checked and cross-referenced. Astronomy is an influence.
Portraits of heroes
Da- not just getting a likeness, they are posed formal things to record events. Celebrating triumphs. 40k artwork would do this, napoleon is aesthetic, rich uniforms. Captions explain why it was painted. Appearance considered, but also how the artist would interpret this. Macaroth would be painted to be at his absolute best, an extra layer of artifice.
Rh- how do you justify including chaos? Treated as captured art, or painted by witnesses and sequester by inq. The brush strokes are looser to show fear, and how the artist feels.
Da- the captions convey this, captured artists under duress, similar style but not best. Painted after dream, shot by inq. The originals don’t exist in universe, tend to be longer captions.
Commemorative paintings
Rh- mainly narrative lead whole or double page spreads, usually propaganda so not literal or accurately reflecting what’s in a novel.
Da- again, napoleonic influence, symbolic content. Making things more impressive. When painting was the main news media, it’s a symbolic shorthand, pushed the idea even further, using incorrect historical facts. Wall sized canvases, or murals.
Rh- basically I got to commission classical paintings, the artists had so much freedom.
Spoilers for Anarch.
Da- incorrect and symbolic representation of the climax of Anarch, playing up the fake real world propaganda. The paining if is analysed across several pages, looking at the symbolism and changes that were made. Makes it feel authentic.
Rh- lots of fun, the symbolism of the positioning etc. Chaos shown as physically weaker. The lighting is intentionally inconsistent!
Da- the right classical references, the raft of the medusa, etc.
Le tout en HD ici:
Franchement ça fait très plaisir, et ce bouqin va être génial, surtout par rapport à l'ancien qui était pourtant déjà bien à l'époque (voir ici : https://wh40k-fr.lexicanum.com/wiki/La_Croisade_des_Mondes_de_Sabbat_(Livre_de_background) )
Il y à un très chouette article avec interview de Dan Abnett (en français) dans le dernier White Dwarf et on peut y voir de magnifiques illustrations qui seront dans le bouquin, ça va être carrément une encyclopédie le truc !
Savons-nous déjà si :
- future édition limitée ?
- VF probable ou pas ?
- date approximative...?
J'aimerais vraiement pas le louper, quitte à me le prendre en anglais !
BlooDrunk Modérateur - Messages : 9074
Age : 42
Localisation : Sarum 57
Re: [The Black Library Weekender 2019] - Centralisation des news
Je vais aussi me le prendre, il y a de très belles illustrations des fantômes etc. Un "must have" si on aime les fantômes. Il sort en décembre, je ne sais quand exactement. Pas d'édition limitée juste celle ci à 40£ (sûrement 50€). Pas d'infos sur une possibilité VF, je ne pense pas.
Nico. Admin - Messages : 10485
Age : 34
BlooDrunk Modérateur - Messages : 9074
Age : 42
Localisation : Sarum 57
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» [The Black Library Weekender 2018] - Centralisation des news
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